This diagram presents an overview of the file structure in the course account.
Most of what you need is under the marking directory in the course account. From here you can go into a specific assignment. The convention is to label the assignment directories aXX, where the XX is the number of the assignment. Under each assignment directory should be a test.0 and a directory.
There may also be some test.0.something and directories. The "something" can be any string, and is just used as a label. These directories contains test results for students. One level down will be directories labeled with student's quest ids. These contain the results for that individual student.
The directory contains the basic tests and the test.0 contains the correctness tests. Basic tests are created before the assignment is released to students. They include a test for each question so that students can catch simple errors. Correctness tests are used to fully test and grade a students submission. They must be finished before the assignment is due (or at least collected and tested). Both testing directories have the same structure, so only the test.0 is shown in detail.
One level into test.0 there is a provided and an in directory, as well as some other files. The header file contains the text that will show up at the top of all test results for the assignment. There is also a computeMarks file not shown on the diagram. This is part of the script that runs tests on students; it should not need any modification. Other files not listed in the diagram should not need any modification.
The provided directory is where any libraries or helpful modules will go. For basic details on including libraries see the options.rkt section. For more in-depth details, or if you are running into errors, see the correctness test section.
in contains directories for every question on the assignment, this is where the tests go. Within each question directory will be directories starting at 001 going up to the last test that you want to write for a question. These directories contain a test.rkt file which is an individual test for that question. Basic tests will usually only need just one test, so there will only be a 001 for that question. Stepper questions have a different format described in the Banning Functions section.