Course Account Training Materials, Fall 2010

Summary of Changes

The old slides had a tendency to focus on particular testing/submission technologies. With a rapid increase in the diversity of tools/approaches used in our courses and the long-standing lack of relevancy to CS 100/200, an attempt was made to make these slides focus more on the particulars of course account use and things still used in the majority of courses, reducing the depth of coverage of things now in the minority and also expanding the number of such things that are discussed.

Some images were also included as an aid; in the future, it's possible more interactive demonstration could be incorporated.

Feedback Desired

Please leave answers to any questions below on this Wiki page.

Did the new slides eliminate anything from the old slides that should have been retained?

What coverage should be expanded? Since the presentation took 40 of the 45 allotted minutes, a companion question will have to be: what coverage should be reduced if any is expanded?

Are there any corrections/clarifications that should be made to the material that is there?

Feedback Given

  • The presenter notes on all slides need to be updated appropriately.
  • Slide 6
    • The line ssh csNNN@<undergrad-machine> should be changed to ssh, as that is now the round-robin server that students are always expected to use.
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PowerPointppt CourseAccounts_Fall2010.ppt r1 manage 1680.0 K 2010-09-02 - 11:21 TerryVaskor Slides used for Fall 2010 Training
PowerPointppt CourseAccounts_Winter10.ppt r1 manage 74.0 K 2010-09-02 - 11:21 TerryVaskor Slides used Previously
Topic revision: r1 - 2010-09-02 - TerryVaskor
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