Due to a bug in the include guard test and unnecessity of having a text file for all of the files student submitted, most of the features of compilehandin.bash has been disabled. Only the file copying feature remains. the text file will no longer be generated.

See below for the description of the original compilehandin.bash file (now named as compilehandin.bash.old).

Note that only "handmarking" and "users" file are needed in the the assignments directory in this version.

If you are willing to fix the bug, go for it and move the deprecated items back to top.

Deprecated Items

Since CS246 has assignments submitted to Marmoset but uses Markus for marking, the Markus scripts which run automated tests for not run on code. The compileHandin.bash script found within the handin directory of the course account is created to make marking easier on the TAs. The end goal is to have one text file which has the results of a few tests as well as all the source code files pasted into the directory.

To run the script successfully, there is a bit of setup required. You will need to have one directory (usually called Ax where x is the number of the assignment) which has one directory for each question. Each of these directories will be the results of one marmoset project. You will want to add a few files to the directory, namely:

  1. handmarking: a file containing the names of all questions to be included marked. It will copy each
  2. unchanged: a file where each line represents one file to be tested for not being changed by the student. Each line should be formatted "question-filename,begin,end" where begin and end represent the line to begin checking for changes and end is the line to end checking the file, or "question-filename" for the whole file to be tested. You will need to place a copy of each file to be tested in the assignment directory. For example "a2q4b-a2q4.cc,13,46".
  3. given: a file listing all the source code files the students were given. This will be used to ensure we only look for include guards in the files which the students were not provided and that we do not mark files that we gave them in general.
  4. users: users is a file that needs to be placed in the handin directory which will be used for creating the directories in the processed directories. This file can stay the same for the entire term except for final projects.
-- KirstenBradley - 2015-04-21
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Topic revision: r2 - 2015-08-20 - YangTianZi
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