-- ScottFortune - 18 Apr 2012

CS100 Home


This Page is on the creation and maintaining of assignments for CS100. It assumes that assignments are being created using Desire to Learn and is current as of April 2012.

Creating an Assignment

The instructor might ask you to make and post pieces of the assignments on Learn. At this point all of the assignments from the previous term will be available for you, but hidden to the students, on D2L. Use this assignment as a template and guideline for how the assignment should be formatted, and the type of content that it should cover. You can look at jcbserver for old assignments, and the one on D2L to get an idea of what should be included. Be sure that any diagrams you include in the questions are clear and readable. When you are done creating the assignment, have another tutor test write it to make sure there are no discrepancies. Then, send it to the instructor for feedback and permission to post it on Learn.

When posting the assignment on Learn, it is helpful to create multiple text boxes for short answer questions with several parts (a,b,c). This way, when you are marking, the answer will come up on separate lines and be easier to mark.

Before you make the assignment viewable to the students, have another tutor look over it to make sure there are no errors (such as the wrong answer being the one marked correctly in multiple choice). To double check if the settings are correct, try completing the quiz as a test student by going to “class list”, then the “test student” tab and click the impersonate icon( ).

Posting/Maintaining Assignments

If you do find an error in the assignment after it has been posted and accessed by students, DO NOT correct it until the has been once again hidden or locked from student use. It is better to post an announcement on the course home page, or simply deal with the problem while marking te assignment. Changing an assignment while it is being written by students will confuse D2L.

Ensure, when posting the assignments that all dates and restrictions are done correctly so that

  • The assignment is released to students on the correct day
  • The assignment can only be done once
  • The assignment cannot be viewed once it has been completed (this is mainly a problem for multiple choice, as it is autograded and students will be able to find out whether or not their answers were correct before the assignment closes)
  • The assignment closes on the correct day, one week after the due date (so that students can use their grace days)
Topic revision: r1 - 2012-04-18 - ScottFortune
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