BitterSuite Initial Setup

The following options should be in the file /u/csXXX/.rstrc:


The BitterSuiteWalkthrough will also be assuming you are using RSTVersion2, so the following line should also be in that file:


The use of default runTests and computeMarks programs for RST will simplify the creation of a BitterSuite test suite by removing the requirement that stub runTests and computeMarks be provided in each testing suite directory.

Why specify default runTests and computeMarks?

Every RST suite will now see these commands automatically. Otherwise, you would have to copy the following content into a runTests file in every suite directory:

exec /u/isg/bittersuite3/runTests 
and the following into a computeMarks file in every suite directory:
exec /u/isg/bittersuite3/computeMarks
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Topic revision: r6 - 2010-10-27 - PeterSinclair
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