Flexible Python Automated Testing with RST
The problem with test.py
method of Python automated testing described at
BitterSuitePythonTesting is sufficient for simple assignments. However, when the
file is run, the student's Python program has already been loaded, so it gives no control over how the student's Python program is evaluated. It's also hard to run code before running the student's program. The
files are not good for automatically testing certain Python assignments.
This page contains an example of how to do Python automated testing when
doesn't work well.
Our fake Python assignment
Question 1
Create a Python file
that defines a function called
. The function
consumes a Str and returns a Str obtained by alternating the casing of all letters (a-z)
in the consumed Str. The first letter of the returned Str should be capital.
alternate("hello! How Are You? Doing OK")
should return
"HeLlO! hOw ArE yOu? DoInG oK"
Question 2
Create a Python script
that when run, reads lines from the keyboard (standard input) until EOF
is reached. The script should print out each line it has read, but with the cases alternating.
Each line should be treated independently, ie apply the
function from Q1 on each line that's read.
$ cat input.txt
hello! How Are You? Doing OK
this is my example!!!
I hope you do Well!!
$ python3 alternate-driver.py < input.txt
HeLlO! hOw ArE yOu? DoInG oK
ThIs Is My ExAmPlE!!!
I hOpE yOu Do WeLl!!
Question 3
Create a Python script
that consumes one optional command line argument.
The script behaves the same as
, except that it saves the output to a file named
in the current directory if no command line argument was provided.
If a command line argument was provided, use it as the path to the output file.
$ cat input.txt
hello! How Are You? Doing OK
this is my example!!!
I hope you do Well!!
$ python3 alternate-driver.py < input.txt
$ cat output.txt
HeLlO! hOw ArE yOu? DoInG oK"
ThIs Is My ExAmPlE!!!
I hOpE yOu Do WeLl!!
$ python3 alternate-driver.py /tmp/my-output.txt < input.txt
$ cat /tmp/my-output.txt
HeLlO! hOw ArE yOu? DoInG oK"
ThIs Is My ExAmPlE!!!
I hOpE yOu Do WeLl!!
Sample solutions
Question 1 - alternate.py
import check
def alternate(mystr):
answer = ""
makeNextLetterUppercase = True
for i in range(len(mystr)):
char = mystr[i]
if char.isalpha():
if makeNextLetterUppercase:
answer += char.upper()
answer += char.lower()
makeNextLetterUppercase = not makeNextLetterUppercase
answer += char
return answer
# Tests
if __name__ == "__main__":
check.expect("empty", alternate(""), "")
check.expect("example", alternate("hello! How Are You? Doing OK"),\
"HeLlO! hOw ArE yOu? DoInG oK")
check.expect("test1", alternate("this is my example!!!"),\
"ThIs Is My ExAmPlE!!!")
check.expect("test2", alternate("I hope you do Well!!"),\
"I hOpE yOu Do WeLl!!")
Question 2 - alternate_keyboard.py
import sys
from alternate import alternate
for line in sys.stdin:
print(alternate(line), end='')
Question 3 - alternate_keyboard_save.py
import sys
output_file_path = "output.txt"
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
output_file_path = sys.argv[1]
sys.stdout = open(output_file_path, "w")
import alternate_keyboard
Test cases the instructor wants to check
Students should be able to get credit for Q2 and Q3
even if they haven't done the previous questions.
Question 1
Check the test cases in the sample solutions.
Question 2
In the testing, use Q1 sample solutions in case the student couldn't do
Use the test input in the question, and also this one:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Tortor
aliquam nulla facilisi cras fermentum. Venenatis urna cursus eget
nunc scelerisque. Urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Dolor purus
non enim praesent elementum. Dui nunc mattis enim ut tellus eleme.
Question 3
In the testing, use Q1 and Q2 sample solutions in case the student
couldn't do the previous questions.
Same test cases as in Q2. First test should not pass any command-line
arguments. The second test should use a command-line argument.
Our test.pt (or test.0 or test.1) test suite
To keep things organized, we will create a brand new folder
for each test case. We'll copy all the files we need into that
folder and work from there.
Please keep in mind that providing solutions in test suites is
a security risk. Even using pyc files is useless because pyc files
can be easily decompiled.
A few notes about the
environment (more details at
- The
is ran as csNNNt
account from a temporary folder that's something like /tmp/.csNNN.a01.t.pt.t01/userid/66923sDZOaI
- The
environment variable is path to a folder containing the student's submissions (it is NOT the /u/csNNN/handin/aXX/userid
- The
environment variable is path to test suite in marking folder, ex /u/csNNN/marking/aXX/test.pt
- Anything printed to standard output will be available in the same directory as OUTPUT.txt
- If you create a file in
that you want to keep, use KeepFile
- Set the test case score using
echo 100 >&3
where 100 is the percentage that the student gets.
- Set the test case feedback using
echo message >&4
where message is what you want to say to the student.
Download (attached below):
- test.pt/
- answers/
- in/
- solutions/
- test_data/
(args "q1_t01" "" "")
readonly testname="$1"
readonly testinput="$2"
readonly correctoutput="$3"
mkdir "$testname"
cd "$testname"
if [ ! -f "${submitdir}/alternate.py" ]; then
echo 0 >&3
echo "File alternate.py was not submitted." >&4
exit 0
cp "${submitdir}/alternate.py" .
cp "${testdir}/solutions/check.py" .
timeout 5s /usr/bin/python3 -c "from alternate import alternate; print(alternate('${testinput}'))" > test_stdout.txt 2> test_stderr.txt
if [ $exit_code -eq 0 -a ! -s test_stderr.txt ]; then
echo "$correctoutput" | diff - test_stdout.txt
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo 100 >&3
exit 0
echo 0 >&3
(args "q1_t02" "hello! How Are You? Doing OK" "HeLlO! hOw ArE yOu? DoInG oK")
readonly testname="$1"
readonly testinput="$2"
readonly correctoutput="$3"
mkdir "$testname"
cd "$testname"
if [ ! -f "${submitdir}/alternate.py" ]; then
echo 0 >&3
echo "File alternate.py was not submitted." >&4
exit 0
cp "${submitdir}/alternate.py" .
cp "${testdir}/solutions/check.py" .
timeout 5s /usr/bin/python3 -c "from alternate import alternate; print(alternate('${testinput}'))" > test_stdout.txt 2> test_stderr.txt
if [ $exit_code -eq 0 -a ! -s test_stderr.txt ]; then
echo "$correctoutput" | diff - test_stdout.txt
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo 100 >&3
exit 0
echo 0 >&3
(args "q1_t03" "this is my example!!!" "ThIs Is My ExAmPlE!!!")
readonly testname="$1"
readonly testinput="$2"
readonly correctoutput="$3"
mkdir "$testname"
cd "$testname"
if [ ! -f "${submitdir}/alternate.py" ]; then
echo 0 >&3
echo "File alternate.py was not submitted." >&4
exit 0
cp "${submitdir}/alternate.py" .
cp "${testdir}/solutions/check.py" .
timeout 5s /usr/bin/python3 -c "from alternate import alternate; print(alternate('${testinput}'))" > test_stdout.txt 2> test_stderr.txt
if [ $exit_code -eq 0 -a ! -s test_stderr.txt ]; then
echo "$correctoutput" | diff - test_stdout.txt
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo 100 >&3
exit 0
echo 0 >&3
(args "q1_t04" "I hope you do Well!!" "I hOpE yOu Do WeLl!!")
readonly testname="$1"
readonly testinput="$2"
readonly correctoutput="$3"
mkdir "$testname"
cd "$testname"
if [ ! -f "${submitdir}/alternate.py" ]; then
echo 0 >&3
echo "File alternate.py was not submitted." >&4
exit 0
cp "${submitdir}/alternate.py" .
cp "${testdir}/solutions/check.py" .
timeout 5s /usr/bin/python3 -c "from alternate import alternate; print(alternate('${testinput}'))" > test_stdout.txt 2> test_stderr.txt
if [ $exit_code -eq 0 -a ! -s test_stderr.txt ]; then
echo "$correctoutput" | diff - test_stdout.txt
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo 100 >&3
exit 0
echo 0 >&3
(args "q2_t01" "test_case_short_input.txt" "test_case_short_answer.txt")
readonly testname="$1"
readonly inputfile="${testdir}/test_data/$2"
readonly answerfile="${testdir}/test_data/$3"
mkdir "$testname"
cd "$testname"
if [ ! -f "${submitdir}/alternate_keyboard.py" ]; then
echo 0 >&3
echo "File alternate_keyboard.py was not submitted." >&4
exit 0
cp "${submitdir}/alternate_keyboard.py" .
cp "${testdir}/solutions/check.py" .
cp "${testdir}/solutions/alternate.py" .
timeout 5s /usr/bin/python3 alternate_keyboard.py < "${inputfile}" > test_stdout.txt 2> test_stderr.txt
if [ $exit_code -eq 0 -a ! -s test_stderr.txt ]; then
diff "$answerfile" test_stdout.txt
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo 100 >&3
exit 0
echo 0 >&3
(args "q2_t02" "test_case_long_input.txt" "test_case_long_answer.txt")
readonly testname="$1"
readonly inputfile="${testdir}/test_data/$2"
readonly answerfile="${testdir}/test_data/$3"
mkdir "$testname"
cd "$testname"
if [ ! -f "${submitdir}/alternate_keyboard.py" ]; then
echo 0 >&3
echo "File alternate_keyboard.py was not submitted." >&4
exit 0
cp "${submitdir}/alternate_keyboard.py" .
cp "${testdir}/solutions/check.py" .
cp "${testdir}/solutions/alternate.py" .
timeout 5s /usr/bin/python3 alternate_keyboard.py < "${inputfile}" > test_stdout.txt 2> test_stderr.txt
if [ $exit_code -eq 0 -a ! -s test_stderr.txt ]; then
diff "$answerfile" test_stdout.txt
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo 100 >&3
exit 0
echo 0 >&3
(args "q3_t01" "test_case_short_input.txt" "test_case_short_answer.txt" "")
readonly testname="$1"
readonly inputfile="${testdir}/test_data/$2"
readonly answerfile="${testdir}/test_data/$3"
mkdir "$testname"
cd "$testname"
if [ ! -f "${submitdir}/alternate_keyboard_save.py" ]; then
echo 0 >&3
echo "File alternate_keyboard_save.py was not submitted." >&4
exit 0
cp "${submitdir}/alternate_keyboard_save.py" .
cp "${testdir}/solutions/check.py" .
cp "${testdir}/solutions/alternate.py" .
cp "${testdir}/solutions/alternate_keyboard.py" .
timeout 5s /usr/bin/python3 alternate_keyboard_save.py $output_file < "${inputfile}" > test_stdout.txt 2> test_stderr.txt
if [ -z "$output_file" ]; then
if [ $exit_code -eq 0 -a ! -s test_stderr.txt -a ! -s test_stdout.txt -a -s "$output_file" ]; then
diff "$answerfile" "$output_file"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo 100 >&3
exit 0
echo 0 >&3
(args "q3_t02" "test_case_long_input.txt" "test_case_long_answer.txt" "my-output-file.txt")
readonly testname="$1"
readonly inputfile="${testdir}/test_data/$2"
readonly answerfile="${testdir}/test_data/$3"
mkdir "$testname"
cd "$testname"
if [ ! -f "${submitdir}/alternate_keyboard_save.py" ]; then
echo 0 >&3
echo "File alternate_keyboard_save.py was not submitted." >&4
exit 0
cp "${submitdir}/alternate_keyboard_save.py" .
cp "${testdir}/solutions/check.py" .
cp "${testdir}/solutions/alternate.py" .
cp "${testdir}/solutions/alternate_keyboard.py" .
timeout 5s /usr/bin/python3 alternate_keyboard_save.py $output_file < "${inputfile}" > test_stdout.txt 2> test_stderr.txt
if [ -z "$output_file" ]; then
if [ $exit_code -eq 0 -a ! -s test_stderr.txt -a ! -s test_stdout.txt -a -s "$output_file" ]; then
diff "$answerfile" "$output_file"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo 100 >&3
exit 0
echo 0 >&3
(language external)
(value 1)
import check
def alternate(mystr):
answer = ""
makeNextLetterUppercase = True
for i in range(len(mystr)):
char = mystr[i]
if char.isalpha():
if makeNextLetterUppercase:
answer += char.upper()
answer += char.lower()
makeNextLetterUppercase = not makeNextLetterUppercase
answer += char
return answer
# Tests
if __name__ == "__main__":
check.expect("empty", alternate(""), "")
check.expect("example", alternate("hello! How Are You? Doing OK"),\
"HeLlO! hOw ArE yOu? DoInG oK")
check.expect("test1", alternate("this is my example!!!"),\
"ThIs Is My ExAmPlE!!!")
check.expect("test2", alternate("I hope you do Well!!"),\
"I hOpE yOu Do WeLl!!")
import sys
from alternate import alternate
for line in sys.stdin:
print(alternate(line), end='')
# Last updated Feb 4, 2019
This module is used for testing python code in CS 116 and CS 234
The useful functions in this module are:
* check.within, for testing functions whose output includes floats
* check.expect, for testing all other functions
* check.set_screen, for testing screen output (print statements)
* check.set_input, for testing keyboard input (raw_input)
* check.set_file, for testing file output
For details on using these functions, please read
the Python Style guide from the CS 116 website,
import sys, os, builtins
backup_stdin = sys.stdin
backup_stdout = sys.stdout
old_input = builtins.input
# redefine input to hide prompts
def blank_input(prompt = None):
return old_input()
class InputError(Exception):
Not enough parameters given to set_input.
def __init__(self):
self.val = "not enough parameters to set_input"
def __str__(self):
return self.val
class redirect_input:
Keyboard input is redirected from this class
whenever set_input is called.
def __init__(self, inp):
self.lst = inp
def readline(self):
if self.lst:
return self.lst.pop(0)
raise InputError()
class redirect_output:
Screen output is redirected to this class
whenever set_screen is called.
def __init__(self):
self.screen = ""
def __str__(self):
return self.screen
def __nonzero__(self):
return bool(self.screen)
def write(self, string):
self.screen += string
def reset(self):
self.screen = ""
expected_screen = ""
actual_screen = redirect_output()
test_output = redirect_output()
input_list = []
file_list = []
dir_list = []
exact_screen = False
def set_screen(string):
Consumes a description of the expected screen output
for the next call to check.expect or check.within.
global expected_screen
expected_screen = str(string)
sys.stdout = actual_screen
builtins.input = blank_input
def set_print_exact(*strlst):
Consumes a list of strings in the expected exact output
for the next call to check.expect or check.within.
global expected_screen, exact_screen
expected_screen = '\n'.join(strlst)
exact_screen = True
sys.stdout = actual_screen
builtins.input = blank_input
def set_input(*inputs):
Consumes a variable amount of strings representing keyboard input for
the next call to check.expect or check.within. Python treats *inputs
as a tuple.
global input_list
#if type(lst) != list:
# raise TypeError("set_input must consume a list")
for i in inputs:
if type(i) != str:
raise TypeError("all parameters must be strings")
input_list = list(map(lambda s: s+"\n", inputs))
sys.stdin = redirect_input(input_list)
sys.stdout = actual_screen
def set_file(resulting_file, expected_file):
Consumes two strings: resulting_file (the name
of a file that will be produced by the function)
and expected_file (the name of a file to whose
contents will match resulting_file if the function
works correctly). Checks that the files contain the
same text, ignoring whitespace, on the next call
to check.expect or check.within.
global file_list, dir_list
dir_list = os.listdir(os.getcwd())
file_list.append((resulting_file, expected_file, False))
def set_file_exact(resulting_file, expected_file):
Consumes two strings: resulting_file (the name
of a file that will be produced by the function)
and expected_file (the name of a file to whose
contents will match resulting_file if the function
works correctly). Checks that the files contain the
same text, including whitespace, on the next call
to check.expect or check.within.
global file_list, dir_list
dir_list = os.listdir(os.getcwd())
file_list.append((resulting_file, expected_file, True))
def expect(label, function_call, expected_value):
Testing function for equality. Will also print the
description given to set_screen, use the keyboard
input given to set_input, and compare files given
to set_files.
run_test(label, function_call, expected_value, None)
def within(label, function_call, expected_value, acceptable_tolerance):
Testing function for floating point numbers. Will also
print the description given to set_screen, use the
keyboard input given to set_input, and compare files
given to set_files.
run_test(label, function_call, expected_value, acceptable_tolerance)
def run_test(label, result, expected, tolerance):
Performs the tests given to check.within and check.expect.
Do not use run_test in your code for CS 116.
global actual_screen, expected_screen, input_list, file_list, dir_list, exact_screen
sys.stdout = test_output
if input_list:
print ("{0}: FAILED; not all input strings were used\n".format(label))
elif type(result) != type(expected):
rtype = str(type(result)).strip(' ')
etype = str(type(expected)).strip(' ')
print ("{0}: FAILED; {1} is a {2}, whereas {3} is a {4}\n".format(label,expected,etype,result,rtype))
elif tolerance and not approx(result, expected, tolerance):
print ("{0}: FAILED; expected {1}, saw {2}\n".format(label, expected, result))
elif not(tolerance) and result != expected:
print ("{0}: FAILED; expected {1}, saw {2}\n".format(label, expected, result))
print ("{0}: PASSED\n".format(label))
if file_list:
new_files = []
for tup in file_list:
new_label = "{0} {1}".format(label, tup[0:2])
compare_files(new_label, new_files, tup[0], tup[1], tup[2])
extra_files = list(set(os.listdir(os.getcwd())) ^ set(dir_list + new_files) )
if extra_files:
print ("{0}: The following additional files were created: {1}".format(label, ", ".join(extra_files)))
if exact_screen:
actual_screen = str(actual_screen)[:-1]
if expected_screen != actual_screen:
print("{0} - print output: FAILED; expected\n{1}\nsaw\n{2}\n".format(label, expected_screen, actual_screen))
print("{0} - print output: PASSED\n".format(label))
actual_screen = redirect_output()
elif expected_screen:
print ("{0} (expected screen output):".format(label))
print (expected_screen)
print ("")
print ("{0} (actual screen output):".format(label))
print (actual_screen)
input_list, file_list, dir_list = [], [], []
expected_screen = ""
exact_screen = False
sys.stdin = backup_stdin
sys.stdout = backup_stdout
builtins.input = old_input
if test_output:
print (str(test_output).strip())
print ("-----")
def approx(result, expected, tolerance):
Performs approximate equality comparisons for check.within.
Do not use approx in your code for CS 116.
if type(result) != type(expected):
return False
tp = type(result)
if tp == float:
return abs(result - expected) <= tolerance
elif tp == complex:
return abs(result.real - expected.real) <= tolerance and \
abs(result.imag - expected.imag) <= tolerance
elif tp in (list, tuple): # sequences that can contain floats
return len(result) == len(expected) and \
all(map(approx, result, expected, [tolerance]*len(result)))
elif tp in (dict, type(redirect_output()), set, frozenset):
# unordered containers that can contain floats
# for whatever reason, 'instance' is not a type, so type(redirect_output) is used instead
if tp == dict:
result = result.items()
expected = expected.items()
elif tp == type(redirect_output()):
# check that both instances are of the same class
if result.__class__ != expected.__class__:
return False
result = result.__dict__.items()
expected = expected.__dict__.items()
# if tp in (set, frozenset) then no action required
return approx(sorted(result), sorted(expected), tolerance)
else: # anything that hits else cannot contain floats
return result == expected
def compare_files(label, new_files, fname1, fname2, exact):
Performs file comparisons for check.within and check.expect.
Do not use compare_files in your code for CS 116.
f = open(fname1, 'r')
lines1 = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), f.readlines()))
except IOError:
print ("{0}: File {1} does not exist\n".format(label, fname1))
return None
f = open(fname2, 'r')
lines2 = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), f.readlines()))
except IOError:
print ("{0}: File {1} does not exist\n".format(label, fname2))
return None
if lines1 == [] and lines2 == []:
return None
elif lines1 == []:
print ("{0}: {1} is empty but {2} is not.".format(label, fname1, fname2))
print ("{0} (line 1): {1}\n".format(fname2, lines2[0]))
return None
elif lines2 == []:
print ("{0}: {1} is empty but {2} is not.".format(label, fname2, fname1))
print ("{0} (line 1): {1}\n".format(fname1, lines1[0]))
return None
while lines1[-1].isspace() or lines1[-1] == "":
while lines2[-1].isspace() or lines2[-1] == "":
if len(lines1) != len(lines2):
print ("{0}: {1} and {2} do not contain the same number of lines.".format(label, fname1, fname2))
n = min(len(lines1), len(lines2))
bad_lines = []
for i in range(n):
if exact:
line1 = lines1[i].rstrip()
line2 = lines2[i].rstrip()
line1 = "".join(lines1[i].split())
line2 = "".join(lines2[i].split())
if line1 != line2:
if bad_lines:
first_line = bad_lines[0]
bad_lines = ", ".join(map(lambda x: str(x), bad_lines))
print ("{0}: The following lines in {1} and {2} do not match: {3}".format(label, fname1, fname2, bad_lines))
extra_spaces = " " * abs(len(fname1) - len(fname2))
if len(fname1) < len(fname2):
fname1 += extra_spaces
fname2 += extra_spaces
print ("{0} (line {1}): {2}".format(fname1, first_line, lines1[first_line-1]))
print ("{0} (line {1}): {2}".format(fname2, first_line, lines2[first_line-1]))
if len(lines1) != len(lines2) or bad_lines:
print ("")
LoReM iPsUm DoLoR sIt AmEt, CoNsEcTeTuR aDiPiScInG eLiT, sEd Do
EiUsMoD tEmPoR iNcIdIdUnT uT lAbOrE eT dOlOrE mAgNa AlIqUa. ToRtOr
AlIqUaM nUlLa FaCiLiSi CrAs FeRmEnTuM. vEnEnAtIs UrNa CuRsUs EgEt
NuNc ScElErIsQuE. uRnA iD vOlUtPaT lAcUs LaOrEeT nOn. DoLoR pUrUs
NoN eNiM pRaEsEnT eLeMeNtUm. DuI nUnC mAtTiS eNiM uT tElLuS eLeMe.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Tortor
aliquam nulla facilisi cras fermentum. Venenatis urna cursus eget
nunc scelerisque. Urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Dolor purus
non enim praesent elementum. Dui nunc mattis enim ut tellus eleme.
HeLlO! hOw ArE yOu? DoInG oK
ThIs Is My ExAmPlE!!!
I hOpE yOu Do WeLl!!
hello! How Are You? Doing OK
this is my example!!!
I hope you do Well!!