BitterSuite C Language Documentation

The C tests work in two stages. Any required files are compiled to object files and then linked together to form an executable. This program is then run with the given command-line parameters and input file at each test; this means that making the test file customizable can limit the amount of required compilation.

C testing operates solely via I/O; all test marking is deferred for handling by the appropriate output-diffing command.

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Relevant Options

The basic language is specified by (language C).

(compiler-args ...)
Provides a list of strings specifying arguments that should be passed to the compiler as files are compiled. The default is 3 arguments: "-std=c99" "-O" "-Wall".
(runtime-args ...)
Provides a list of strings specifying arguments that should be passed to the compiled executable as tests are run. The default is 0 arguments.
(student-files ...)
Specifies student files that should be compiled and linked for the tests. The default is no files.
(stderr-handle method)
Specifies what action should be taken when standard error is encountered, defaulting to fail. The valid options are:
Silently discard and ignore all standard error.
Include standard error with standard output when comparing test output to the solutions' output.
Immediately assign a mark of 0 if any standard error is present.

Relevant files

Specifies a testing file that should be compiled against student code to create an executable test.
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Topic revision: r3 - 2011-03-29 - HumaZafar
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