Assignment Management

The tutors should have only a maximum of two previous marked assignment in the possessions, where there is extra, the oldest assignment should be put into the pick-up boxes outside the MC 4065. When putting the assignments back to the boxes, the personal should match the number in the top left corner of each paper to the number that each box is assigned to.

For the assignments that the tutors are still in possessions of, they should bring them along to most if not all of any places that the tutors will be communicating with the students (for example, tutorials, labs, office hours).

Under no condition should midterms and finals be put into the pick-up boxes.

At the start of the Assignment

When a assignment is posted up into the course website, tutors need to make sure that the students can actually submit their submissions and run public tests on them.

To make the submission open: Read the Tutor Guide

To make the public test available for the students:

After the public test is done, and is tested without any error, go to the file requestPublicTest.shtml within the public_html folder in the course account, and uncomment the assignment that you want the public test to be available for. To uncomment, just get rid of the "<!--" that is before the start of the comments, and then put it after the assignment you want the public test to be available for.

Assignment Solution Releasing

TODO: Add information about posting solutions behind glass board

For posting solutions online: WebSolutionsAccess

Assignment Pick-Ups

Tutors in Winter 2009 found that only 25% or less of students pick up their marked assignments after they are handed back. They also found a strong correlation between students who pick up their marked assignments and students with high final marks.

-- SanderzFung - 17 Apr 2009

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Topic revision: r7 - 2014-09-26 - AndyYin
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