UWaterloo Email

This page is to help organize information about UWaterloo.ca email accounts, particularly how to set up third-party clients.


The University of Waterloo uses Microsoft Office 365 Education for email and protects these accounts with Duo 2FA. Of course, this works with Microsoft's official clients, including webmail, but it makes using third-party clients more complicated.

Third-party Clients

This is an incomplete list of third-party clients known to be usable with UWaterloo.ca email. Please add to this list if you've gotten another client working!

Client Platform Works with U2F Notes Guide
DavMail desktop yes bridge to connect Microsoft accounts to IMAP clients UWaterlooEmailDavmail
Evolution Linux no (can't create popup window) EWS plugin, supports some extra functionality like using the university address book UWaterlooEmailEvolution
Thunderbird desktop no IMAP with OAuth2 UWaterlooEmailThunderbird

This topic: CrySP > UWaterlooEmail
Topic revision: r2 - 2022-09-18 - V3CNA
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