Research Directory Entry

The code here is used by the department to generate the research directory. This page is purposefully formatted like this because that is the format we have to submit it in.

<group_id/>  CrySP
<group/>     Cryptography, Security, and Privacy (CrySP)
<contact/>   Urs Hengartner (<em> <a 
href=""> </a> </em>  )
<members/>   Ian Goldberg, Urs Hengartner, Ian McKillop, Doug Stinson    

The Cryptography, Security, and Privacy (CrySP) research group carries 
out research in a wide variety of topics, from designing cryptographic 
protocols to the evaluation of their effectiveness and usability in 
deployed systems. Some examples are:


<li> (Distributed) cryptographic protocols. Designing interactive 
protocols to enable secure communication, such as key agreement 
protocols, key distribution schemes, secret sharing schemes, 
identification schemes, broadcast encryption, private information
retrieval, and oblivious transfer.

<li> Efficient cryptographic algorithms and their implementation. 
Designing and analyzing cryptographic primitives such as block and 
stream ciphers, public-key encryption schemes, signature schemes, and 
message authentication codes.

<li> Cryptographic hash functions. Analyzing the security of iterated 
design techniques and the random oracle model and constructing families 
of universal hash functions.

<li> Useful security and privacy technologies. Producing security and
privacy technologies which have a real effect on people's lives,
following the principles of usability, deployability, effectiveness,
and robustness.

<li> Effectiveness of security measures. Analyzing proposed and deployed 
cryptographic and security systems in order to measure their effectiveness.

<li> Privacy on the Internet. Giving both users and providers of 
Internet services the ability to control who gets access to their data 
and other personal information.

<li> Security and usability.  Making security systems which are easy for 
people to use correctly, but which also maintain as much security as 
possible when things go wrong.

<li> Location privacy: Developing privacy-preserving technologies for
users of location-based services.

<li> Privacy for (mobile) social networking: Designing privacy-preserving
technologies for users of (mobile) online social networking sites.

<li> Cryptographic and online voting. Designing and analyzing voting
protocols with high usability and voter-verifiable correctness.

<li> Response and recovery strategies. Evaluating and designing effective
incident response strategies to ensure business continuity.

<li> Security assessment and audit. Applying system vulnerability and risk
assessment techniques with a particular focus on the financial services
and health sectors.


CrySP is part of the Centre For Applied Cryptographic Research (CACR) at
the University of Waterloo and collaborates with other groups within the 
Cheriton School of Computer Science, such as Algorithms and Complexity,
Human-Computer Interaction, Networks and Distributed Systems, and


# Please describe, in the following section,
# any major awards that your group has received.

# Please include from 3 to 7 keywords or phrases,
# ONE PER LINE, in the following "keywords" section,
# that describe the group's research.
# They will be used to construct the index.

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Topic revision: r12 - 2015-05-09 - NikolasUnger
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