CS 348: Introduction to Database Management

Fall 2012


Note that the dates are tentative...

Assignment 1(6%)

This assignment will focus on conceptual modeling. In particular, you will take a set of requirements relating to data management and create an Entity-Relationship Model for it.

Assignment 1
Sample Solution (note that this is only a sample)

Assignment 2 (10%)

This assignment is about SQL queries and relational algebra. You will write a number of SQL queries and execute them on DB2. You will also write some of these queries in relational algebra.

Assignment 2
Schema Definition that you can use

Assignment 3 (14%)

This assignment is on advanced SQL programming -- specifically writing of applications with embedded SQL. You will write 2-3 programs (individually or in teams of two) that will be run against a database.

Assignment 3
Schema definition that you should use

Sample database used in testing
Test cases

Assignment 4 (10%)

This assignment will cover a number of topics: views, transactions, database security, physical database design and perhaps others.

Assignment 4
Assignment 4 Solution

Please note the submission and reappraisal guidelines on the Marking page.