Working Standards
- BLS Signature Scheme. [draft] [code]
- Homomorphic Encryption Standard.
Also see homomorphic encryption standardization webpage.
- Can a Public Blockchain Keep a Secret? [pdf]
Fabrice Benhamouda, Craig Gentry, Sergey Gorbunov, Shai Halevi, Hugo Krawczyk, Tal Rabin, and Leonid Reyzin.
Theory of Cryptography Conference (TCC) 2020
- Pointproofs: Aggregating Proofs for Multiple Vector Commitments [pdf] [code]
Sergey Gorbunov, Leonid Reyzin, Hoeteck Wee, and Zhenfei Zhang
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2020
- Pixel: Multi-Signatures for Consensus [pdf] [code]
Manu Drijvers, Sergey Gorbunov, Gregory Neven, and Hoeteck Wee
USENIX Security 2020
Pencil - Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Cryptography in Ledgers 2019 - Efficient Evaluation of Activation Functions over Encrypted Data
Patricia Thaine, Sergey Gorbunov, and Gerald Penn
IEEE 2nd Deep Learning and Security Workshop 2019 - StealthDB: a Scalable Encrypted Database with Full SQL Query Support [pdf] [code]
Alexey Gribov, Dhinakaran Vinayagamurthy, and Sergey Gorbunov
Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) 2019 - ZeroTrace : Oblivious Memory Primitives from Intel SGX [pdf] [code]
Sajin Sasy, Sergey Gorbunov, and Christopher Fletcher
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2018 - Quantum-Proofing the Blockchain
Vlad Gheorghiu, Sergey Gorbunov, Michele Mosca and Bill Munson
White paper for The Blockchain Research Institute 2017 - Iron: Functional Encryption using Intel SGX [pdf]
Ben A Fisch, Dhinakaran Vinayagamurthy, Dan Boneh, and Sergey Gorbunov
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2017
Merge or [GV] and [BF]
Best Paper Award Finalist
- Attribute-Based Encryption for Circuits
Sergey Gorbunov, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, and Hoeteck Wee
Journal of the ACM. Volume 62 Issue 6, December 2015 - Democoin: A Publicly Verifiable and Jointly Serviced Cryptocurrency [pdf]
Sergey Gorbunov and Silvio Micali
Manuscript, Patent
Initial designs based on which the Algorand blockchain is built - Riding on Asymmetry: Efficient ABE for Branching Programs [pdf]
Sergey Gorbunov and Dhinakaran Vinayagamurthy
ASIACRYPT 2015 - Predicate Encryption for Circuits from LWE
Sergey Gorbunov, Vinod Vaikuntanathan and Hoeteck Wee
Invited to the Journal of Cryptology - Graph-Induced Multilinear Maps from Lattices [pdf]
Craig Gentry, Sergey Gorbunov and Shai Halevi
Theory of Cryptography Conference (TCC) 2015 - Leveled Fully Homomorphic Signatures from Standard Lattices
Sergey Gorbunov, Vinod Vaikuntanathan and Daniel Wichs
Merge of [GV'14] and [Wic'14]
ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC) 2015 - Cryptographic Tools for the Cloud [pdf]
Sergey Gorbunov
PhD Thesis, MIT - Fully Key-Homomorphic Encryption, Arithmetic Circuit ABE and Compact Garbled Circuits [pdf]
Merge of [GGHVV] and [BNS])
Dan Boneh, Craig Gentry, Sergey Gorbunov, Shai Halevi, Valeria Nikolaenko, Gil Segev, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, and Dhinakaran Vinayagamurthy
EUROCRYPT 2014 - Attribute-based Encryption for Circuits [pdf]
Sergey Gorbunov, Vinod Vaikuntanathan and Hoeteck Wee
ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC) 2013
Invited to the SIAM Journal of Computing Special Issue - Functional Encryption: New Perspectives and Lower Bounds [pdf]
Shweta Agrawal, Sergey Gorbunov, Vinod Vaikuntanathan and Hoeteck Wee
CRYPTO 2013 - Functional Encryption with Bounded Collusions via Multi-Party Computation [pdf]
Sergey Gorbunov, Vinod Vaikuntanathan and Hoeteck Wee
CRYPTO 2012 - On Controller Performance in Software-Defined Networks [pdf]
Amin Tootoonchian, Sergey Gorbunov, Yashar Ganjali, Martin Casado, and Rob Sherwood
USENIX Hot-ICE 2012 - AutoFuzz: Automated Network Protocol Fuzzing Framework [pdf] [web]
Sergey Gorbunov and Arnold Rosenbloom
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS) VOL.10 No.8 - Functional Encryption: Constructions and Lower Bounds [pdf]
Sergey Gorbunov
M.Sc. Thesis, UofT - On the Security of Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code [pdf]
Sergey Gorbunov and Charles Rackoff