Homework for CS 860

Assignment due dates:

  1. September 30th
  2. October 28th
  3. November 11th
  4. December 2nd

Deadline: Assignments are due at 11:59 PM (Waterloo time) on the dates above.

Instructions for Assignments

Assignments will consist of $n$ problems where usually $n \sim 6$. You are required to turn in $n-1$ problems on which you will be graded. If you turn in all problems, we will grade all of them and your score will simply be the highest $n-1$ scores that you obtained.

Collaboration policy: Students are allowed and encouraged to collaborate with other students on the homework assignments. You may discuss the assignment questions with others, but you should come away from these discussions without a fully written solution of the problem that you discussed. The discussions should be about the ideas necessary to solve the problem. If you collaborate with other students, you must clearly indicate your collaborators for each problem. The homework LaTeX template will have a field for each problem for you to fill in. Marks will be deducted if you fail to do so.

After collaboration, the work you hand in must be your own. The value of the assignment is in writing your solution yourself (as you must do on tests and exams). Acknowledge any other sources (human or non-human) you have used. If you use an electronic source, again, read it, then close it, then compose your solution and acknowledge your source. Write your solutions in your own words, from your own head. Any assistance received (from human or nonhuman sources) that is not given proper citation may be considered a violation of the university policies.

Searching for solutions is considered plagiarism. If you happen to find the solution of a problem while reading from some external sources, you must give a proper citation of the source, failing to cite the source properly is considered plagiarism.

Submission: Assignments will be submitted as pdf files (each question as a separate pdf). We strongly encourage you to submit your solutions using LaTeX. LaTeX templates for each problem will be provided.

Regrading Requests: All requests for assignments must be made within two weeks of the date of the return. Your request should be submitted to the person who marked the question in writing, cc’ing me. Details of how to request a regrade will be posted on rocketchat after the first assignment is due.