Schedule: NIPS-08 Workshop on Model Uncertainty and Risk in RL
- 07:30-07:40 Welcome
- 07:40-08:20 Invited talk:
KWIK Learning: Explicit Uncertainty and
Decision Making, Michael Littman
- 08:20-08:40 Bias Correction
and Confidence Intervals for Fitted Q-iteration, Bibhas
Chakraborty, Victor Strecher, Susan Murphy
- 08:40-09:00 Risk-Aware
Decision Making and Dynamic Programming, Boris Defourny,
Ernst, Louis Wehenkel
- 09:00-09:15 break
- 09:15-09:40 poster
spotlights (11 posters x 2 min per poster)
- Kalman Temporal
Differences: Uncertainty and Value Function Approximation,
Matthieu Geist, Gabriel Fricout, Olivier Pietquin
- Missing Data and
Uncertainty in Batch Reinforcement Learning, Daniel J.
Lacey Gunter, Eric Laber, Susan A. Murphy
- Error Reducing Sampling in
Reinforcement Learning, Bruno Scherrer and Shie Mannor
- Towards Global
Reinforcement Learning, Milen Pavlov and Pascal Poupart
- Incorporating External
Evidence in Reinforcement Learning via Power Prior Bayesian Analysis,
Funlade T. Sunmola and Jeremy L. Wyatt
- Uncertainty Handling in
Evolutionary Direct Policy Search, Verena Heidrich-Meisner,
Christian Igel
- The Optimal Unbiased Value
Estimator and its Relation to LSTD, Steffen
- Extended abstract posters
- Model-based Bayesian
Reinforcement Learning with Tree-based State Aggregation,
Paduraru, Doina Precup, Stephane Ross, Joelle Pineau
- Near-Bayesian Exploration
in Polynomial Time, J. Zico Kolter, Andrew Y. Ng
- How Close is Close Enough?
Finding Optimal Policies in PAC-style Reinforcement Learning,
Emma Brunskill
- Bayesian Exploration using
Gaussian Processes: Fast Convergence via Generalization, Erick
Chastain and Rajesh P. N. Rao
- 09:40-10:30 panel
discussion (benchmarks and challenges) and
poster session
- 15:30-16:10 Invited talk:
How Good is Forced-Exploration in Linear
Stochastic Bandits? Csaba Szepesvari
- 16:10-16:30 Risk Sensitive
Control: Mean-Variance Tradeoffs, Steffen Grünewälder,
Aki Naito
and Klaus Obermayer
- 16:30-16:50 PAC-MDP
Reinforcement Learning with Bayesian Priors in Deterministic MDPs,
Ali Nouri, Michael Littman and Lihong Li
- 16:50-17:05 break
- 17:05-17:25 Regret-based
Reward Elicitation for Markov Decision Processes, Kevin
and Craig Boutilier
- 17:25-17:45 Data Biased Robust
Counter Strategies, Michael Johanson, Michael Bowling
- 17:45-18:30 panel
discussion (models that work and don't work)
and poster session