Zhuangfei Hu
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2016-present)
Yaonan Zhang
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2015-2019)
Qingnan Duan
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2015-2019)
Master of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (2018-present)
Research Assistant at University of Waterloo (2018-present)
Zhiwei Shang
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2012-2017)
Master of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (2017-present)
Research Assistant at University of Waterloo (2017-present)
Yuwei Jiao
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2012-2016)
Master of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (2016-2018)
Software development engineer at Amazon (2018-present)
Junnan Chen
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2011-2015)
Master of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (2015-present)
Research Assistant at HCI Lab, University of Waterloo (2015-present)
Yunjia Sun
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2010-2014)
Master of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (2014-present)
Research Assistant at HCI Lab, University of Waterloo (2014-present)
Zhongyu Peng
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2010-2014)
Master of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (2014-present)
Research Assistant at University of Waterloo (2014-present)
Han Zhao
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2009-2013)
Master of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (2013-2015)
PhD in Machine Learning Department, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University (2015-present)
Han Zhao, Shanghang Zhang, Guanhang Wu, José MF Moura, Joao P Costeira, Geoffrey J Gordon, "Adversarial multiple source domain adaptation". Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 8559-8570 (2018).
Han Zhao, Shanghang Zhang, Guanhang Wu, João Costeira, José Moura, Geoffrey Gordon, "Multiple Source Domain Adaptation with Adversarial Learning". International Conference on Learning Representations, 2018, workshop track
Han Zhao, Pascal Poupart, Geoff Gordon, "A Unified Approach for Learning the Parameters of Sum-Product Networks". Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (2016)
F. Faisal, H. Zhao and T. Milenkovic,“Global Network Alignment in the Context Of Aging”. In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (IEEE/ACM TCBB 2014), PP(99):1, DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2014.2326862.
H. Zhao, M. Melibari and P. Poupart, “On the Relationship between Sum-Product Networks and Bayesian Networks”. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2015).
H. Zhao, Z. Lu and P. Poupart, “Self-Adaptive Hierarchical Sentence Model”. In Proceedings of the 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2015).
H. Zhao, P. Poupart, Y. Zhang and M. Lysy, “SoF: Soft-Cluster Matrix Factorization for Probabilistic Clustering”. In Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2015).
T. Milenkovic, ́ H. Zhao and F. Faisal, “Global Network Alignment in the Context of Aging”. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedicine (ACM-BCB 2013).
H. Zhao and P. Poupart, “A Sober Look at Spectral Learning”. In Method of Moments and Spectral Learning workshop at 31th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2014 workshop).
F. Faisal, H. Zhao, and T. Milenkovic, “Network-based prediction of protein function: implications for aging”, Automated Function Prediction (AFP) SIG at the 22nd ISMB.
V. Saraph, F. Faisal, H. Zhao and T. Milenkovic, “Novel Directions for Biological Network Alignment: MAGNA (Maximizing Accuracy in Global Network Alignment)”, Network Biology (NetBio) SIG at the 22nd ISMB.
F. Faisal, H. Zhao and T. Milenkovic, “What can biological networks tell us about aging?”,Network Biology (NetBio) SIG at the 21th ISMB and 12th ECCB.
Yihang Song
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2009-2013)
Master of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (2013-2015)
Software Engineer at Google Inc. (2015-present)
Y. Song, “Two Novel Defenses against Motion-Based Keystroke Inference Attacks”, MOBILE SECURITY TECHNOLOGIES 2014
Y. Song, “PrivacyGuard: A VPN-based Platform to Detect Information Leakage on Android Devices” CCS-SPSM 2015
Xiang Ji
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2008-2012)
Master of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (2012-2013)
Software Engineer at Google Inc (2013-present)
Xiang Ji, Shrinu Kushagra, Jeff Orchard, “Sensory Updates to Combat Path-Integration Drift”,DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-38457-8_25 Conference: Canadian AI 2013, At 263-270, Volume: 7884
Jeff Orchard, Hao Yang, Xiang Ji, “Navigation by Path Integration and the Fourier Transform: A Spiking-Neuron Model”, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-38457-8_12 Conference: Canadian AI 2013, At 138-149, Volume: 7884
Jeff Orchard, Hao Yang, Xiang Ji, “Does the entorhinal cortex use the Fourier transform?”, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (Impact Factor: 2.2). 12/2013; 7:179. DOI: 10.3389/fncom.2013.00179.
Yi Ren
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2008-2012)
Master of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (2012-2013)
Software Developer at Microsoft (2013-present)
Yi Ren, Yang Li, Edward Lank, “InkAnchor: Enhancing Informal Ink-Based Note Taking on Touchscreen Mobile Phones” CHI 2014: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Shuo Tan
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University(2007-2011)
Master of Mathematics, University of Waterloo(2011-2013)
Software Engineer at Facebook Inc(2013-2015)
Ecopia Tech Cooperation (2015-present)
Yizhou Huang
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2007-2011)
Master of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (2011-2012)
Software Engineer at Google Inc (2012-present)
Xu Chu
Bachelar of Computer Science, Nanjing University (2006-2010)
PhD of Computer Science, University of Waterloo (2010-present)
Yeye He, Kris Ganjam, Xu Chu, “SEMA-JOIN: Joining Semantically-Related Tables Using Big Table Corpora” In the 41st Interntaional Confernce on Very Large Databases, VLDB 2015, Kohala Coast, Hawai‘i, USA.
Xu Chu, John Morcos, Ihab F. Ilyas, Mourad Ouzzani, Paolo Papotti, Nan Tang, Yin Ye, "KATARA: A Data Cleaning System Powered by Knowledge Bases and Crowdsourcing. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, Melbourne, Australia.
Xu Chu, Yeye He, Kaushik Chakrabarti, Kris Ganjam, “TEGRA: Table Extraction by Global Record Alignment.” In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, Melbourne, Australia.
Xu Chu, Ihab F. Ilyas, Paolo Papotti, “Discovering Denial Constraints.” In the 40th Interntaional Confernce on Very Large Databases, VLDB 2014, Hangzhou, China.
Xu Chu, Ihab F. Ilyas, Paolo Papotti, “Holistic Data Cleaning: Putting Violations into Context.” In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2013, Brisbane, Australia.
Ihab F. Ilyas, Xu Chu, “Trends in Cleaning Relational Data: Consistency and Deduplication.” In Foundations and Trends® in Databases, Volume 5, Issue 4, 2015
Xu Chu, John Morcos, Ihab F. Ilyas, Mourad Ouzzani, Paolo Papotti, Nan Tang, Yin Ye, “KATARA: Reliable Data Cleaning with Knowledge Bases and Crowdsourcing.” In the 41st Interntaional Confernce on Very Large Databases, VLDB 2015, Kohala Coast, Hawai‘i, USA
Xu Chu, Ihab F. Ilyas, Paolo Papotti, and Yin Ye. “RuleMiner: Data Quality Rules Discovery.” In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2014, Chicago, USA.
Bo Hu
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2006-2010)
Master of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (2010-2012)
Software Engineer at Facebook (2013-2014)
Software Engineer at DWNLD (2014-present)
Di Wang
Bachelar of Computer Science, Zhejiang University (2006-2010)
Master of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (2010-2012)
PhD of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University (2012-present)
Gelin Zhou
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2006-2010)
Master of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (2010-2012)
Software Engineer at Twitter (2013-present)
He M, Munro J I, Zhou G. Succinct data structures for path queries[M] Algorithms –ESA 2012. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012: 575-586.
He M, Munro J I, Zhou G. Path queries in weighted trees[M] Algorithms and Computation. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011: 140-149.
He M, Munro J I, Zhou G. A framework for succinct labeled ordinal trees over large alphabets[J]. Algorithmica, 2014, 70(4): 696-717.
Zhou G. Two-dimensional range successor in optimal time and almost linear space[J]. Information Processing Letters, 2015.
Chan T M, He M, Munro J I, et al. Succinct indices for path minimum, with applications to path reporting[M] Algorithms-ESA 2014. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014: 247-259.
He M, Munro J I, Zhou G. Dynamic Path Counting and Reporting in Linear Space[M] Algorithms and Computation. Springer International Publishing, 2014: 565-577.
Lian Yang
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2006-2010)
Master of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (2010-2012)
PhD of Computer Science, University of Waterloo (2013-present)
L. Yang, A. Ibrahim, C. Johnston, B. Ma, and N. A. Magarvey, “An automated informatic algorithm for detecting and elaborating variants in families of natural products”, Chemistry and Biology, 2015, accepted with minor revision.
C. Johnston, M. Skinnider, M. Wyatt, X. Li, L. Yang, D. Zechel, B. Ma, “An automated genomes-to-natural products platform (GNP)”, Nature Communications, 2015, accepted.
A. Ibrahim, L. Yang, C. Johnston, X. Liu, B. Ma, and N. A. Magarvey, “Dereplicating nonribosomal peptides using an informatic search algorithm for natural products (iSNAP) discovery”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109, no. 47 (2012): 19196-19201.
Jiong Xi
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2006-2010)
Master of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (2010-2012)
Software Engineer at Google Inc (2014-present)
Guangyu Feng
Bachelar of Computer Science, Tsinghua University (2004-2008)
PhD at David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
Guangyu Feng, Kun Xiong, Yang Tang, Anqi Cui, Jing Bai, Hang Li, Qiang Yang, Ming Li: “QUestion Classification by Approximating Semantics”. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion, pages 407-417, 2015.
Babak Alipanahi, Xin Gao, Emre Karakoç, Shuai Cheng Li, Frank J. Balbach, Guangyu Feng, Logan Donaldson, Ming Li: “Error Tolerant NMR Backbone Resonance Assignment and Automated Structure Generation”. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 9(1): 15-41, 2011.