Lap Chi is a faculty member at the School of Computer Science at University of Waterloo since August 2015. He was a visiting researcher in the Simons Institute at UC Berkeley from Aug 2014 to June 2015. Before joining University of Waterloo, he was a faculty member in CSE CUHK and the coach of the ACM-ICPC programming team from 2007 to 2014. He was a visiting researcher of Microsoft Research New England during Jan-Jun 2009.

Lap Chi grew up in Hong Kong and received his B.Sc. degree from CSE CUHK.  He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Toronto.  During his graduate study, he worked in the Theory Group of Microsoft Research in Redmond for three summers, and in the Egrevary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization (EGRES) in Budapest for two winters.

Editorial board: Algorithmica, ACM Transactions on Algorithms

Program committees: FOCS 2024, STOC 2024, SODA 2023, ITCS 2022, ITCS 2021, ISAAC 2020, APPROX 2018, ESA 2016, ICALP 2016, WAOA 2015, APPROX 2015, ITCS 2014, ISAAC 2013, TAMC 2013 (co-chair), SODA 2013, APPROX 2012, WG 2012, CATS 2012, FOCS 2010, APPROX 2009, FAW 2009, SODA 2008.

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Ph.D.    CS  Toronto
Advisor:  Michael Molloy

M.Sc.    CS  Toronto
Advisor Derek Corneil

B.Sc.     CSE  CUHK