CS848 Advanced Topics in Databases:
DBMS for ML, ML for DBMS

  • database system support for machine learning
  • application of machine learning to improve database systems


CS631 Data-Intensive Distributed Computing

  • abstractions and infrastructure for data analytics
  • applications, including data mining and machine learning


CS848 Advanced Topics in Databases:
Database Systems on Modern Hardware

  • trends in server hardware
  • implications of those trends for database systems


CS743 Principles of Database Management and Use

CS743 is intended to be a first course in database management for graduate students who have not had previous coursework in the area. The course includes an overview of relational database systems and how they are used, as well as in introduction to several current topics in database research.


CS848 Advanced Topics in Databases:
Cloud Data Management

  • scalable relational and non-relational database systems
  • scalable analytics


CS848 Advanced Topics in Databases:
Management of Information Systems

  • tuning and control of software systems
  • server and storage virtualization
  • data partitioning, replication, and caching
