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Schedule (Subject To Change)
Tuesday, January 6:
Topic: Overview and Preliminaries
Thursday, January 8:
Topic: Introduction to basic game-theoretic concepts
Tuesday, January 13:
Topic: Social Choice
- Y. Shoham and K. Leyton-Brown, Multiagent Systems: Algorithmic, Game-Theoretic and Logical Foundations, Cambridge University Press, 2009. Chapter 9.
- F. Brandt, V. Conitzer and U. Endriss, Computational Social Choice, Chapter to appear in G. Weiss (Ed.), Multiagent Systems, MIT Press, 2012.
Thursday, January 15:
Topic: Social Choice
Tuesday, January 20:
Topic: Mechanism Design
Thursday, Janaury 22:
Topic: Market Mechanisms
Optional Readings on Security Games:
- M. Jain et al, 2010, Software assistants for randomized patrol planning for the LAX airport police and the Federal Air Marshals Service, Interfaces, 40.4, pp. 267-290.
- F. M. Delle Fave, A. x. Jiang, Z. Yin, C. Zhang, M. Tambe, S. Kraus, J. P. Sullivan, 2014, Game-theoretic security patrolling with dynamic execution uncertainty and a case study on a real transit system, Journal of Articial Intelligence Research, 50, pp. 321-367.
Tuesday, Janaury 27:
Topic: Social Choice
- J. J. Bartholdi III, C. A. Tovey, and M. A. Trick, 1989, The computational difficulty of manipulating an election, Social Choice and Welfare, 6(3), pp. 227-241.[Alexandre Daigle]
- V. Conitzer, T. Sandholm and J. Lang, 2007, When are elections with few candidates hard to manipulate?, Journal of the ACM, 54(3), Article 14. [Vijay Menon]
Thursday, Janaury 29:
Topic: Social Choice
Tuesday, February 3:
Topic: Mechanism Design (Foundations)
- S. Bikhchandani et al, 2006, Weak monotonicity characterizes deterministic dominant strategy implementation, Econometrica, 74(4), pp. 1109-1132. (The final version can also be found on JSTOR).
- N. Nisan and A. Ronen, 2007, Computationally feasible VCG mechanisms, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 29, pp. 19-47. [Dimitrios Skrepetos]
Thursday, February 5:
Topic: Mechanism Design (Applications)
- Edelman et al, 2007, Internet advertising and the generalized second-price auction: Selling billions of dollars worth of keywords, American Economic Review, Vol 97(1), pp. 242-259. [Oliver Grant]
- V. Robu et al, 2013, An online mechanism for multi-unit demand and its application to plug-in hybrid electric vehicle charging, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 48, pp. 175-230.
[Kareem El Gebaly]
Tuesday, February 10:
Topic: Matching
- J. Drummond and C. Boutilier, 2014, Preference elicitation and interview minimization in stable matchings, Proceedings of the 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2014), pp. 645-653 [Devin Rotondo]
- B. Rastegari, A. Condon, N. Immorlica, R. Irving and and K. Leyton-Brown, 2014, Reasoning about optimal stable matchings under partial information, ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (ACM-EC).
Thursday, February 12:
Topic: Matching
Tuesday, February 17:
Thursday, February 19:
Tuesday, February 24:
Topic: Coalitions and Cooperative Game Theory
Project Proposal due.
Thursday, February 26:
Topics: Coalitions and Cooperative Game Theory
- R. Meir, Y. Zick, E. Elkind, and J. Rosenschein, 2013, Bounding the cost of stability in games with restricted interaction, 27th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2013).
- Y. Bachrach, E. Poral and J. Rosenschein, 2013, Sharing rewards in cooperative connectivity games, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2013. [Zhongyu Peng]
Tuesday, March 3:
Topics: Behavorial Game Theory
Thursday, March 5:
Topics: Incentives for User Behavior
Tuesday, March 10:
Topics: Cooperation and Influence in Networks
Thursday, March 12:
Topics: Assigning Credit
Tuesday, March 17:
Topics: Reputation/Trust
Thursday, March 19:
Topics: Privacy
- A. Singla, E. Horvitz, E. Kamar and R. White, 2014, Stochastic privacy, Proceedings of the 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2014)
- A Ghosh and A Roth, 2011, Selling privacy at auction, ACM EC 2011 [Andrew Tinits]
Tuesday, March 24:
Topics: Learning
Thursday, March 26:
Project Presentations: Pragnya Addala; Steve Melczer; Vijay Menon; Kareem El Gebaly
Tuesday March 31:
Project Presentations: Alexandre Daigle; Group of Peng Peng, Akshat Kumar and Jie Peng; Group of Devin Rotondo and Vishnu Srivastava; Dimitrios Skrepetos; Oleksii Voloshchenko; Zhongyu Peng
Thursday, April 2:
Project Presentations: Group of Xianli Li, Chi Zhang and Xiang Gao; Josh Jung; Taras Mychaskiw; Andrew Tinits; Oliver Grant; Wasif Khan
Thursday, April 16: