Structure of Deference Paper: Supplemental Material

This website gives additional material and code to accompany the paper:
Robert E. Freeland and Jesse Hoey. The Structure of Deference: Modeling Occupational Status Using Affect Control Theory. American Sociological Review. Vol 83, No.2, April, 2018.


  1. To run the deference simulator, first get the BayesACT code (v 0.5.1) from the BayesACT website or by clicking this zip file directly.
  2. Then, download this Python program and put it in the same directory as the unzipped BayesACT source code
  3. From that directory, you can run python -h which gives you this helpful message:
    BayesACT Deference score calculator (2 agents) usage:
    	 -n number of samples (default 500)
    	 -f outputfilename prefix (output files will start with this prefix. Default: BayesACT)
    	 -a deference behaviour (default: defer_to)
    	 -b behaviours filename (default: fbehaviours.dat)
    	    behaviour files should be of type MEAN (see below)
    	 -i identities filename (default: fidentities.dat)
    	 -t type of identities (can be MEAN, COV or SD, default: MEAN)
    	    identity files are comma separated (CSV) and have the following format:
    		 MEAN: each line has identity followed by 3 numbers for E,P,A.  In this case the standard deviation used for identities is 0.1
    		 SD: each line has identity string followed by 3 values for mean EPA followed by 3 values for Standard Deviation EPA
    		 COV: each line has identity string followed by 3 values for mean EPA followed by 9 values for the covariance matrix row-wise as EPA
  4. If you run it "as is" you will get the defaults which uses the default behaviour file (fbehaviours.dat, included with the BayesACT distribution, corresponds to the Indiana 2002-2004 dataset in Interact), and the default behaviour in that file of defer_to (EPA of E=-0.69, P=0.12, A=-0.9, which is not the same as in the paper (we used a different dataset where defer_to had an EPA rating of E=-.15,P=.45,A=-.44.
  5. You also need an identities dataset. The default will be fidentities.dat (included with the BayesACT distribution, corresponds to the Indiana 2002-2004 dataset in Interact). You can edit this and create a smaller set, or use any other dataset you have.
  6. Identities files have a mean EPA rating for each identity and then a specification of the covariance about that mean. This can be MEAN (so a diagonal covariance is used with a standard deviation in all three dimensions of 0.1), SD (a diagonal covariance with variances in the dimensions as specified), or COV (a full covariance matrix - all 9 components specified).
  7. The paper used the University of Georgia 2015 dataset, which can be obtained from the ACT website.
  8. A run, using "obey" instead of "defer to" and using an identity file called my_identities_file.csv with standard deviations in E,P, and A specified, would therefore look like:
    python -n 500 -f MyDirectory/MyFilePrefix -a obey -b my_behaviours_file.csv -i my_identities_file.csv -t SD
  9. Output is three CSV files:
  10. Need help? Email Jesse


We are indebted to the creators of the ACT dictionary project (David Heise, Lynn Smith-Lovin and Dawn Robinson) for for allowing us access to their data. ACT dictionaries can be accessed from the ACT website.

See Also

Our work in extending this to use graph centrality information propagation can be found in the following paper:
David Choi, Robert E. Freeland and Jesse Hoey. Occupational Social Status Modeling with Affect Control Theory. Extended abstract presented at the International Conference on Computational Social Science, Cologne, Germany, July, 2017


The table below shows the results from the paper, which were done with a single run using an identities file with 304 occupations as specified in the paper. The identities file had SD type variances specified (i.e. diagonal covariances), which were computed from the raw dataset. The behaviour was "defer_to" with an EPA score of E=-.15,P=.45,A=-.44. We also computed full covariance matrices and ran both the SD and COV variances 10 times. Means and standard deviations across those 10 runs for both types of noise models (diagonal and full covariances). The BayesACT parameters used as follows (see also the paper appendix)
α 1.0 std. deviation of a diagonal uniform Σb, the deflection potential covariance.
βa 0.0001 identity inertia for agent (std. dev)
βc 0.0001 identity inertia for client (std. dev)
β0a from data initial identity std. dev. for agent
β0c from data initial identity std. dev. for client
γ not used model environment noise std. dev.
N 500 number of samples
σr N-1/3=0.126 roughening noise
gender male gender of agent

Variability Results

BayesACT involves randomness and therefore the scores may be slightly different each time. To test how much variability this introduces in the rankings, the code was run 10 times with different random seeds. We obtained Spearman rank correlations of over 0.999 for all 10 runs when compared to the run for the paper. The top 4 are always the same exactly (Spearman=1.0) and the top 20 is over 0.99.

Deference Score Results

The complete list of original results from the paper is available as a CSV file. This table shows those results in the third column, while the fourth column shows the mean deference score over 10 runs. The last column shows the variance over those ten runs. The ranks (first column) are according to the paper scores (third column).

note: clicking on column headers sorts the table according to that header (default: rank or paper score - 1st or 3rd columns).

from paper
mean score
10 runs
Diagonal Covariance
std. dev
10 runs
Diagonal Covariance
mean score
10 runs
Full Covariance
std. dev
10 runs
Full Covariance
1 surgeon 10.3344 10.3563 0.015 10.3270 0.0013
2 firefighter 10.0919 10.1554 0.0095 10.8721 0.00093
3 doctor 9.3827 9.3348 0.0079 8.6389 0.0013
4 medic 9.2672 9.2346 0.01 8.8598 0.0017
5 pediatrician 9.2292 9.2581 0.01 8.2544 0.00088
6 elementary_school_teacher 8.7915 8.7972 0.013 6.7637 0.00096
7 nurse 8.7742 8.7432 0.017 7.3401 0.0014
8 fundraiser 8.5196 8.5172 0.015 7.6808 0.0012
9 scholar 8.4292 8.4292 0.015 7.5512 0.0012
10 educator 8.3594 8.3927 0.01 7.4313 0.0012
11 astronaut 8.2202 8.2314 0.017 6.8440 0.0011
12 counselor 7.9627 7.9632 0.011 6.7678 0.0014
13 priest 7.9368 7.9560 0.013 6.1959 0.001
14 physician 7.8604 7.8702 0.011 6.8908 0.0014
15 skilled_worker 7.8205 7.8029 0.011 6.4345 0.001
16 president 7.8034 7.7527 0.017 5.6458 0.00065
17 telemarketer 7.7843 7.7764 0.0066 3.3730 0.00082
18 teacher 7.7603 7.7738 0.015 6.5661 0.001
19 coach 7.7264 7.7471 0.0075 7.0250 0.0015
20 veterinarian 7.7102 7.7198 0.016 7.2031 0.0012
21 comedian 7.6549 7.6538 0.014 5.9066 0.00091
22 philanthropist 7.6243 7.6683 0.017 6.1964 0.0012
23 CEO 7.5727 7.5622 0.011 6.0910 0.0011
24 cheerleader 7.5216 7.5253 0.012 4.4550 0.00096
25 athlete 7.4747 7.5122 0.013 6.5514 0.0012
26 organizer 7.4446 7.4389 0.0091 5.2476 0.00069
27 pastor 7.4228 7.4510 0.0098 5.0528 0.0012
28 missionary 7.3893 7.3956 0.0098 4.9616 0.00095
29 bodyguard 7.3733 7.3901 0.009 6.1401 0.0012
30 cook 7.3002 7.2682 0.0092 5.1511 0.00097
31 nursing_assistant 7.2848 7.3066 0.013 4.9204 0.0016
32 ship_captain 7.2079 7.2373 0.0093 5.7883 0.0009
33 social_worker 7.1151 7.1105 0.019 4.6205 0.0015
34 host 7.1003 7.0507 0.0082 5.5584 0.00095
35 musician 7.0205 7.0374 0.015 4.5534 0.00065
36 storyteller 7.0172 7.0436 0.013 4.8017 0.0012
37 airline_pilot 6.9792 6.9954 0.011 5.3315 0.0012
38 dishwasher 6.9505 6.9322 0.013 3.7976 0.0012
39 police_officer 6.9413 6.9344 0.015 4.4467 0.0012
40 scientist 6.9239 6.9405 0.014 5.2148 0.0011
41 chef 6.8696 6.8673 0.013 4.8266 0.0012
42 librarian 6.8536 6.8800 0.016 5.3248 0.0013
43 negotiator 6.8442 6.8428 0.0086 5.2598 0.0014
44 writer 6.8421 6.8502 0.0093 5.2564 0.001
45 entrepreneur 6.8415 6.8584 0.0065 5.0678 0.0013
46 interpreter 6.8023 6.8458 0.0046 5.3893 0.001
47 psychiatrist 6.7067 6.7165 0.018 4.9698 0.0013
48 environmentalist 6.7034 6.7299 0.0088 3.9130 0.00074
49 tutor 6.6990 6.7236 0.0053 5.8545 0.0014
50 street_preacher 6.6858 6.6573 0.0091 2.3424 0.0008
51 pharmacist 6.6654 6.6397 0.015 4.6253 0.00092
52 nutritionist 6.6256 6.6175 0.01 4.9559 0.0011
53 sheriff 6.5899 6.6054 0.012 4.2947 0.00071
54 chaplain 6.5885 6.5914 0.0089 4.9961 0.0008
55 self-employed_worker 6.5625 6.5367 0.007 4.3613 0.00094
56 detective 6.4834 6.4674 0.01 4.7831 0.001
57 anesthetist 6.4465 6.4482 0.011 4.5656 0.00072
58 researcher 6.4197 6.4234 0.012 4.5319 0.0015
59 judge 6.3976 6.3962 0.013 4.4589 0.00074
60 diplomat 6.3902 6.3745 0.0072 3.9316 0.00088
61 engineer 6.3822 6.3870 0.011 4.4096 0.00077
62 street_musician 6.3702 6.3801 0.0053 3.4285 0.0011
63 library_assistant 6.3447 6.3057 0.012 4.0397 0.0013
64 investigator 6.3208 6.3428 0.0089 4.2314 0.00096
65 professional 6.3206 6.3161 0.0079 4.9371 0.0015
66 intern 6.3136 6.2937 0.0088 3.3966 0.0013
67 baby_sitter 6.3098 6.3321 0.0094 4.3052 0.00082
68 philosopher 6.3046 6.2923 0.013 3.2561 0.00061
69 night_watchman 6.2928 6.2653 0.01 4.1637 0.00063
70 lawyer 6.2715 6.2578 0.0033 4.7021 0.00092
71 farmer 6.2645 6.2858 0.0057 4.4333 0.0012
72 professor 6.2611 6.2577 0.0086 4.9916 0.002
73 chemical_engineer 6.2499 6.2739 0.0088 4.3588 0.00094
74 board_director 6.2387 6.2304 0.0089 4.5844 0.0012
75 auctioneer 6.2266 6.2219 0.0083 4.2068 0.00085
76 principal 6.2245 6.1801 0.013 4.7554 0.00066
77 attorney 6.2161 6.2208 0.012 4.5703 0.00094
78 civil_engineer 6.2155 6.2305 0.011 4.1845 0.0012
79 mail_carrier 6.1922 6.2004 0.016 3.9431 0.0011
80 civil_servant 6.1780 6.1550 0.014 1.9109 0.00077
81 physicist 6.1517 6.1552 0.0091 3.7822 0.0012
82 hostess 6.1464 6.1687 0.0073 3.5075 0.0012
83 church_deacon 6.1181 6.1123 0.014 3.1765 0.0014
84 public_relations_specialist 6.1162 6.1351 0.011 4.4082 0.00085
85 ambassador 6.1125 6.0874 0.011 4.5535 0.00075
86 fire_investigator 6.1064 6.1612 0.01 4.2863 0.0011
87 executive 6.1002 6.1519 0.0076 4.8675 0.00078
88 baker 6.0932 6.0637 0.0094 3.5628 0.00078
89 server 6.0842 6.0759 0.0084 3.2990 0.00085
90 chairwoman 6.0834 6.0962 0.012 4.4873 0.00064
91 speech-language_pathologist 6.0813 6.0227 0.0087 3.7175 0.0012
92 chairman_of_the_board 6.0766 6.0928 0.0062 4.9662 0.001
93 lecturer 6.0425 6.0596 0.007 3.2143 0.00049
94 radio_and_television_announcer 6.0363 6.0484 0.014 3.5415 0.00082
95 manager 6.0207 6.0161 0.0084 4.8126 0.0009
96 instructor 6.0098 6.0417 0.007 4.5645 0.00087
97 chemist 5.9987 6.0097 0.013 4.1982 0.00072
98 district_attorney 5.9899 6.0081 0.012 4.2300 0.0011
99 secretary 5.9805 5.9891 0.011 2.9163 0.00099
100 restaurant_operator 5.9748 5.9601 0.012 4.0554 0.00074
101 forest_ranger 5.9729 5.9553 0.011 4.0231 0.0012
102 garbage_collector 5.9726 5.9997 0.011 2.1147 0.00095
103 psychologist 5.9618 5.9671 0.0095 3.6442 0.0011
104 beautician 5.9404 5.8949 0.0062 2.5090 0.00068
105 choreographer 5.9361 5.8949 0.007 3.6591 0.00094
106 artist 5.9361 5.9375 0.01 3.1904 0.0011
107 education_administrator 5.9246 5.9249 0.012 3.9317 0.0015
108 consultant 5.9172 5.9159 0.0091 3.6893 0.0011
109 fisherman 5.9003 5.8930 0.009 2.6255 0.00057
110 bartender 5.8968 5.9247 0.0056 3.5314 0.0009
111 ship_engineer 5.8897 5.9058 0.0069 3.6987 0.0013
112 newscaster 5.8778 5.8653 0.0084 3.5382 0.00097
113 attorney_general 5.8761 5.8937 0.009 4.3540 0.00076
114 travel_agent 5.8685 5.8575 0.016 2.6082 0.00095
115 policeman 5.8564 5.8755 0.0069 3.9532 0.00077
116 photographer 5.8543 5.9177 0.0097 3.3419 0.0012
117 computer_support_specialist 5.8475 5.8430 0.013 2.5951 0.00075
118 politician 5.8359 5.8342 0.012 3.2966 0.0008
119 state_trooper 5.8355 5.8356 0.0099 3.0881 0.00078
120 hairstylist 5.8324 5.8269 0.0081 3.2351 0.00085
121 biologist 5.8306 5.8428 0.011 4.1696 0.0013
122 ophthalmologist 5.8234 5.8320 0.0074 3.6892 0.0011
123 reporter 5.8219 5.8058 0.0087 3.1309 0.00055
124 construction_foreman 5.8100 5.8231 0.0098 3.0232 0.00074
125 bellhop 5.8021 5.8213 0.011 2.6832 0.00092
126 farm_laborer 5.7935 5.8134 0.013 2.6574 0.00056
127 landscape_architect 5.7886 5.7748 0.0055 3.3794 0.00075
128 craftsman 5.7805 5.7947 0.0084 3.2806 0.00078
129 computer_programmer 5.7783 5.7500 0.0078 3.5867 0.00087
130 architect 5.7764 5.7951 0.011 3.9510 0.00091
131 electrical_engineer 5.7630 5.7730 0.0077 4.1031 0.001
132 pornographer 5.7608 5.7788 0.013 1.2867 0.00022
133 decorator 5.7593 5.7551 0.0069 3.1013 0.00055
134 salesperson 5.7579 5.7426 0.0073 2.3699 0.00058
135 dentist 5.7566 5.7532 0.011 3.2189 0.00073
136 chiropractor 5.7548 5.7710 0.011 3.4291 0.0013
137 cabinet_member 5.7381 5.7470 0.014 2.3939 0.00096
138 labor_union_leader 5.7129 5.7578 0.0093 3.4349 0.00089
139 chief_operations_officer 5.7055 5.7251 0.012 4.1555 0.00077
140 dental_hygienist 5.7027 5.6945 0.0069 3.2494 0.001
141 taxi_driver 5.7012 5.6657 0.008 2.2230 0.00062
142 web_developer 5.6971 5.6550 0.0038 3.3522 0.00095
143 prosecutor 5.6812 5.6962 0.0056 4.2016 0.00057
144 mechanical_engineer 5.6773 5.6745 0.012 3.9457 0.00095
145 mayor 5.6461 5.6560 0.013 3.3554 0.0011
146 security_guard 5.6423 5.6538 0.0077 2.8050 0.00081
147 defense_attorney 5.6356 5.6589 0.009 3.6098 0.00083
148 custodian 5.6225 5.5844 0.0091 2.9454 0.00097
149 author 5.6220 5.6220 0.011 4.2601 0.0013
150 waitress 5.6137 5.6052 0.005 2.7836 0.00063
151 warden 5.6058 5.6128 0.009 3.0961 0.00074
152 watchman 5.5813 5.5451 0.0085 3.8162 0.00098
153 manager_of_branch_store 5.5759 5.5962 0.0085 2.8955 0.0007
154 advertising_executive 5.5743 5.5798 0.011 3.0085 0.00078
155 housekeeper 5.5710 5.5588 0.012 2.7620 0.00096
156 cleaning_woman 5.5646 5.5550 0.0092 2.7604 0.0011
157 auto_mechanic 5.5638 5.5296 0.011 2.3539 0.00085
158 student_teacher 5.5577 5.5576 0.0089 3.0814 0.0013
159 handyman 5.5544 5.5580 0.0085 3.4681 0.00056
160 referee 5.5508 5.5816 0.0089 2.9855 0.0009
161 blacksmith 5.5283 5.5467 0.012 2.4556 0.00081
162 flight_attendant 5.5090 5.5182 0.007 2.3728 0.00071
163 computer_security_specialist 5.5015 5.4902 0.0086 3.4108 0.0008
164 maid 5.5005 5.4637 0.0068 3.2634 0.0014
165 dairy_farmer 5.4946 5.4668 0.01 2.8095 0.00088
166 hairdresser 5.4916 5.5027 0.0071 3.0171 0.0009
167 bank_manager 5.4864 5.5157 0.0085 2.9897 0.00075
168 music_director 5.4844 5.5059 0.0067 3.4874 0.0009
169 lobbyist 5.4831 5.5156 0.0085 2.2666 0.00081
170 magician 5.4818 5.4386 0.0074 2.7547 0.00069
171 senator 5.4672 5.4711 0.0069 2.7761 0.001
172 chambermaid 5.4616 5.4865 0.012 1.4066 0.00078
173 prosecuting_attorney 5.4515 5.4288 0.0067 3.4577 0.001
174 assistant 5.4493 5.4796 0.007 2.7691 0.00089
175 shop_clerk 5.4491 5.4199 0.011 1.7893 0.00048
176 journalist 5.4401 5.4514 0.0078 2.2849 0.00064
177 busboy 5.4368 5.3977 0.0093 1.8672 0.00053
178 carpenter 5.4274 5.4324 0.0059 2.3580 0.00088
179 fast_food_server 5.4210 5.4159 0.016 1.8557 0.00048
180 bouncer 5.4206 5.3774 0.0066 3.2767 0.00076
181 optical_engineer 5.4125 5.4582 0.0072 3.7146 0.00043
182 assembly_line_worker 5.4067 5.4153 0.011 1.8970 0.00046
183 waiter 5.3931 5.3756 0.011 2.6056 0.001
184 editor 5.3883 5.4148 0.0076 2.7456 0.00075
185 cosmetologist 5.3844 5.4000 0.01 2.4120 0.00048
186 technician 5.3807 5.3931 0.0085 3.2075 0.0011
187 accountant 5.3595 5.3481 0.0085 2.4485 0.00077
188 legislator 5.3592 5.3393 0.0085 2.7237 0.0007
189 wage_earner 5.3512 5.3499 0.01 3.2346 0.00087
190 bailiff 5.3448 5.3626 0.01 2.4734 0.001
191 stockbroker 5.3430 5.3397 0.0056 2.6730 0.00091
192 automobile_assembler 5.3387 5.3630 0.0093 1.8611 0.00038
193 dental_assistant 5.3373 5.3179 0.008 2.1169 0.00083
194 commentator 5.3359 5.3269 0.0079 2.8355 0.00072
195 construction_contractor 5.3233 5.3199 0.0082 2.9562 0.00089
196 private_eye 5.3063 5.2890 0.011 2.4689 0.00095
197 actor 5.2685 5.2798 0.0079 2.6616 0.00083
198 janitor 5.2643 5.2758 0.0046 2.9724 0.00097
199 construction_laborer 5.2589 5.2642 0.0079 2.7050 0.00058
200 deputy 5.2540 5.2275 0.0087 3.1808 0.0011
201 machine_operator_in_a_factory 5.2470 5.2243 0.0093 1.7951 0.00051
202 receptionist 5.2432 5.2283 0.0068 2.1192 0.00095
203 landscaper 5.2414 5.2034 0.0085 1.8741 0.00085
204 clergy 5.2405 5.2927 0.0097 2.5106 0.0007
205 bookkeeper 5.2366 5.2549 0.0061 3.1789 0.00068
206 chauffeur 5.2326 5.2474 0.0083 2.5735 0.00075
207 divorce_lawyer 5.2228 5.2001 0.013 2.2712 0.00054
208 customer_systems_analyst 5.2176 5.1987 0.0091 1.5726 0.00074
209 creditor 5.2128 5.2305 0.0091 1.6531 0.00072
210 machine_repairer 5.2109 5.1721 0.01 2.7795 0.00079
211 roofer 5.2091 5.2012 0.0083 1.4287 0.0007
212 merchant 5.1999 5.1770 0.008 1.8034 0.0006
213 probation_officer 5.1924 5.2079 0.009 2.3381 0.00074
214 sewing_machine_operator 5.1793 5.1889 0.011 1.7979 0.00071
215 migrant_worker 5.1744 5.2320 0.0078 1.5195 0.00046
216 coal_miner 5.1699 5.1821 0.013 1.2634 0.00067
217 railroad_engineer 5.1628 5.1101 0.0074 2.1729 0.00061
218 bank_teller 5.1582 5.1468 0.01 1.9287 0.00044
219 bus_driver 5.1563 5.1364 0.0075 2.1048 0.00065
220 steel_worker 5.1464 5.1432 0.013 1.7204 0.00094
221 dietitian 5.1420 5.1350 0.0053 2.7873 0.00086
222 systems_engineer 5.1361 5.1571 0.0086 2.8448 0.0006
223 governor 5.1086 5.0955 0.01 3.0339 0.00068
224 film_star 5.1006 5.0869 0.0096 2.8286 0.0008
225 bricklayer 5.0949 5.0900 0.0074 1.8324 0.00041
226 sheet_metal_worker 5.0872 5.0497 0.0068 1.8730 0.00066
227 geologist 5.0814 5.0614 0.011 2.6188 0.00042
228 interviewer 5.0496 5.0041 0.0086 2.4997 0.00083
229 cement_worker 5.0477 5.0645 0.0067 1.3603 0.00061
230 laborer 5.0402 5.0596 0.01 1.5448 0.00063
231 patrolman 5.0369 5.0749 0.0068 2.1693 0.00059
232 bulldozer_operator 5.0210 5.0014 0.01 1.9304 0.00048
233 shopkeeper 5.0202 4.9863 0.0069 2.1519 0.0011
234 interrogator 5.0053 5.0180 0.0054 3.0070 0.00055
235 typist 4.9996 5.0036 0.008 1.4233 0.00058
236 commissioner 4.9976 5.0020 0.011 2.6447 0.00065
237 CPA 4.9837 4.9886 0.0054 2.0195 0.00061
238 immigration_officer 4.9769 4.9988 0.004 1.9074 0.00044
239 parking_attendant 4.9614 4.9543 0.0065 0.7473 0.00043
240 political_scientist 4.9611 4.9851 0.0076 1.6777 0.00046
241 tax_preparer 4.9539 4.9255 0.0095 1.7385 0.0006
242 statistician 4.9423 4.9218 0.01 1.9255 0.00063
243 lobby_attendant 4.9394 4.9494 0.0079 1.9979 0.0009
244 bookie 4.9393 4.9444 0.0072 0.8412 0.00045
245 telephone_operator 4.9353 4.9539 0.014 0.7258 0.00034
246 usher 4.9243 4.9403 0.0075 2.7236 0.00083
247 building_contractor 4.9242 4.9284 0.0088 2.6635 0.00062
248 barber 4.9241 4.9245 0.0072 2.2015 0.00052
249 city_councilor 4.9112 4.9179 0.0064 2.6392 0.00078
250 funeral_director 4.9038 4.9098 0.0084 2.2540 0.00083
251 inspector 4.9028 4.8961 0.0057 2.2704 0.00074
252 broadcast_news_analyst 4.9005 4.9575 0.0084 2.2398 0.00053
253 logger 4.8961 4.9161 0.011 1.7610 0.00075
254 bill_collector 4.8860 4.9332 0.0095 2.0000 0.0007
255 shoe_repairman 4.8834 4.8495 0.0052 2.3202 0.00069
256 supervisor 4.8645 4.8435 0.0089 3.0258 0.00054
257 butcher 4.8623 4.9007 0.011 1.3616 0.00035
258 economist 4.8316 4.8308 0.0065 1.9791 0.00087
259 miner 4.8009 4.7921 0.0096 1.4188 0.00077
260 railroad_conductor 4.7957 4.7927 0.0074 2.4326 0.00065
261 wholesaler 4.7758 4.7668 0.0086 1.9707 0.00076
262 welder 4.7609 4.7528 0.0094 1.6841 0.00091
263 plumber 4.7511 4.7198 0.0049 2.3250 0.00058
264 switchboard_operator 4.7385 4.7072 0.0068 1.2555 0.00058
265 crane_operator 4.7356 4.7213 0.0075 2.0901 0.0006
266 locksmith 4.7216 4.6682 0.0094 2.1541 0.00095
267 electrician 4.7209 4.7132 0.01 2.0880 0.00059
268 tailor 4.7138 4.7195 0.007 1.9419 0.00053
269 gas_station_attendant 4.7135 4.7323 0.0086 1.5090 0.00076
270 tool_and_die_maker 4.7069 4.6706 0.0068 1.3874 0.00061
271 clerical_worker 4.6800 4.6773 0.0082 1.8271 0.00074
272 temporary_worker 4.6669 4.6538 0.0072 1.3868 0.00045
273 online_merchant 4.6534 4.6470 0.0071 1.3670 0.00056
274 truck_driver 4.6489 4.6337 0.0055 0.8485 0.00046
275 part-time_employee 4.6279 4.6404 0.0055 1.5394 0.00072
276 cashier 4.6198 4.6141 0.0074 1.2595 0.0006
277 tv_repairman 4.6182 4.6305 0.0077 1.5894 0.00058
278 rancher 4.5897 4.5924 0.0074 1.4639 0.00067
279 psychoanalyst 4.5792 4.5596 0.0079 2.0988 0.00047
280 electrical_linesman 4.5737 4.5878 0.0075 1.6342 0.00051
281 salesclerk 4.5531 4.5511 0.0072 1.4536 0.00058
282 telephone_installer 4.5419 4.5578 0.0072 1.4922 0.00061
283 casual_laborer 4.5285 4.5324 0.0064 1.2446 0.00067
284 file_clerk 4.5247 4.5259 0.0064 1.4841 0.0005
285 auditor_general 4.5189 4.4917 0.0038 1.5486 0.00061
286 ticket_taker 4.5094 4.4968 0.0083 0.7719 0.00038
287 clerk 4.5058 4.5071 0.0055 1.5937 0.00088
288 real_estate_agent 4.4853 4.4874 0.0065 2.1876 0.00066
289 cabinet_maker 4.4832 4.4448 0.0099 1.7849 0.00093
290 retailer 4.4586 4.4620 0.0079 1.5189 0.00046
291 textile_worker 4.4496 4.4508 0.0075 1.4232 0.00065
292 coroner 4.4403 4.4412 0.0058 1.6265 0.00088
293 advertising_copy_writer 4.3859 4.3756 0.008 1.1581 0.00046
294 auditor 4.3601 4.3496 0.0075 1.5844 0.00056
295 customs_officer 4.3562 4.4070 0.0085 1.4859 0.0008
296 transportation_ticket_agent 4.2870 4.2936 0.011 0.7659 0.00049
297 bailsman 4.2141 4.2446 0.0065 1.7772 0.00056
298 jeweler 4.1811 4.1608 0.0069 1.4869 0.00035
299 foreman 4.1687 4.1751 0.0081 1.4181 0.00033
300 motel_owner 4.1457 4.1661 0.0077 0.8014 0.00037
301 insurance_agent 4.1410 4.1587 0.0094 1.2505 0.00059
302 insurance_claims_investigator 4.1215 4.1229 0.0095 1.1239 0.00049
303 pawnbroker 3.8809 3.8875 0.006 0.7885 0.00045
304 stenographer 3.8392 3.8422 0.0063 0.9456 0.00046