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The Method
- William Corsaro and D. Heise, 1990. Event
structure models from ethnographic data. C. Clogg (ed.), Sociological
Methodology: 1990 (Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell), pp.
1-57. Pre-publication
- Larry J. Griffin, 1993. Narrative, event-structure
analysis, and
causal interpretation in historical sociology. American
of Sociology, 98: 1094-1133.
- Larry J. Griffin and Robert R. Korstad. 1998. "Historical Inference and Event-Structure Analysis." International Review of Social History 43:145-165.
- D. Heise, 1989. Modeling
event structures. Journal of Mathematical
14: 139-169. Pre-publication
- Josh Adams. 2007. An Event Structure Analysis of the Cosmetic
Surgery and Tattoo Industries in the United States. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. On-line copy.
- Helmut
Anheier and Hagai Katz, 2006, Learning from History? Comparative
Historical Methods and Researching Global Civil Society, in Marlies
Glasius, Mary Kaldor and Helmut Anheier (eds), Global Civil Society 2005/6. London: Sage. On-line copy.
- Robert Biggert. 2004. Why
are strikes successful? An Event-Structure Analysis of the
IWW's Bread and Roses Strike. Paper presented at annual
meeting of the American Sociological Association. On-line
- Joshua Bloom. 2015. The Dynamics of Opportunity and Insurgent Practice: How
Black Anti-colonialists Compelled Truman to Advocate Civil Rights.
American Sociological Review.
80(2): 391-415.
- Cliff Brown and John Brueggemann. 1997. Mobilizing
solidarity: A comparison of the 1919 and 1937 steel industry labor
organizing drives. Mobilization, 2(1):47-70.
- Cliff Brown, 2000. The role of employers in split labor
An event-structure analysis of racial conflict and AFL organizing,
1917-1919. Social Forces, 79(2): 653-681.
- Cliff
Brown and John Brueggemann. 1997. Mobilizing Interracial Solidarity: A
Comparison of the 1919 and 1937 Steel Industry Labor Organizing Drives.
- John Brueggemann and Terry Boswell. 1998. Realizing
Solidarity : Sources of Interracial Unionism During the Great
Depression. Work and
Occupations. 25: 436-482.
- John Brueggemann and Cliff Brown. 2003. The decline of
unionism in the meatpacking industry: Event-structure analyses of labor
unrest, 1946-1987. Work and Occupations
30(3): 327-360.
- Kristin
Carmela Carbone-Lopez. 2006. In, out, and in again? A life course
understanding of women's violent relationships. Ph.D. Dissertation,
University of Minnesota. On-line copy.
- Brice Datt�e, Nassef Hmimda and Staffan Hult�na. 2004. Do Events Matter? A Combination of a Simulation and
an Event Analysis of the Evolution of the Microprocessor Industry.
Paper presented at the DRUID Summer Conference on Industrial Dynamics,
Innovation And Development; Theme C: Technical Change, Corporate
Dynamics and Innovation. On-line copy.
- Marc
Dixon. 2003. The politics of union decline: Business political
mobilization and restrictive labor legislation, 1938 to 1958. Paper
presented at the meeting of the Social ScienceHistory Association. On-line copy.
- Donna Eder and Janet Lynne Enke, 1991. The structure of
Opportunities and constraints on collective expression among
adolescents. American Sociological Review,
56: 494-508.
- Larry J. Griffin and Robert R. Korstad, 1996. Class as race
gender. Social Science History, 19: 425-454.
- Larry
J. Griffin, Paula Clark, and Joanne C. Sandberg. 1997. Narrative and
Event: Lynching and Historical Sociology. Pp. 24-47 in Under Sentence of Death: Lynching in the South, edited by W. Fitzhugh Brundage. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
- Mark
A. Hager. 1998. Event Structure Analysis as a Tool for Understanding
Organizational Life Histories. Paper presented at the annual meetings
of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and
Voluntary Action. On-line copy.
- D. Heise, 1988. Computer
analysis of cultural structures. Social Science
Review, 6: 183-196. Pre-publication
- D. Heise, 1990. Careers,
career trajectories, and the self. Chapter 3 (pp. 59-84) in
Rodin, Carmi Schooler, and K. Warner Schaie (Eds.), Self-Directedness:
Cause and Effects Throughout the Life Course. Hillsdale NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Pre-publication
- D. Heise, 1991. Event
Structure Analysis: A qualitative model of quantitative research.
Pp. 136-163 in Nigel Fielding and Raymond Lee (Eds.), Using
Computers in Qualitative Research (Newbury Park, CA:
Sage). Pre-publication
- Larry W. Isaac,
Debra A. Street, and Stan J. Knapp. 1994. "Analyzing Historical
Contingency with Formal Methods: The Case ofthe "Relief Explosion" and
1968." Sociological Methods & Research 23:114-141.
- Hyuk
Kim. 2010. Organizational Strategy Development for the Pharmaceutical
Industry: Event Structure Analysis, Comparative Boolean Analysis, and
Analogical Reasoning Model. Ph.D. dissertation, Rutgers, The State
University Of New Jersey. On-line copy.
- Neil J. MacKinnon and D. Heise. 1993. Affect Control
Delineation and Development. In Joseph Berger and Morris Zelditch, Jr.
(Eds.), Theoretical Research Programs: Studies in the
Growth of
Theory. (Stanford: Stanford University Press).
- Eric
A. Morse. 1998. The Temporal Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Growth: An
Event Structure Analysis in an Entrepreneurial Firm. Ph.D.
Dissertation, Texas Tech University. On-line copy.
- Karen M. O’Neill,
Jeffry M. Calia, Caron Chess, and Lee Clark. 2007 "Miscommunication
During the Anthrax Attacks: How Events Reveal Organizational Failures."
Human Ecology Review 14:11-19.
- Marisa
Ponti. 2010. Actors in Collaboration: Sociotechnical Influence on
Practice-Research Collaboration. Boras, Sweden: Valfrid, 2010. xi, 277
p. ISBN 978-91-89416-24-6. On-line copy.
- John G. Richardson. 2009. Mill Owners and Wobblies: The
Event Structure of the Everett Massacre of 1916. Social Science History
33: 183-215. 2004
- William B. Stevenson and Danna N. Greenberg, 1998. The
analysis of narratives of organizational change. Journal
Management, 24: 741-762.
- William B. Stevenson and Danna N. Greenberg, 2000. Agency
social networks: Strategies of action in a social structure of
position, opposition, and opportunity. Administrative
Quarterly, 45: 651-678.
- William
Stevenson, Heidi Zinzow, and Sanjeev Sridharan. 2003. Using Event
Structure Analysis to Understand Planned Social Change. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 2 (2). Article 5.
- Alexa J. Trumpy. 2008. Subject to Negotiation: The Mechanisms Behind Co-Optation and Corporate Reform. Social Problems 55: 480–500. On-line copy.
- Edwina S. Uehara, 2001. Understanding the dynamics of illness
and help-seeking: Event-structure analysis and a Cambodian-American
narrative of 'Spirit Invasion'. Social Science and Medicine 52:519-536.
- Andrew Abbott, 1995. Sequence
Analysis: New Methods for Old Ideas. Annual Review of Sociology
21:93-113. Author's
- Peter Abell. 2004. Narrative Explanation: An Alternative to Variable-Centered Explanation? Annual Review of Sociology, 30: 287-310.
- Rodolphe
Durand and Eero Vaare. 2009. Causation, counterfactuals and competitive
advantage. Paper presented at the Atlanta Competitive Advantage
Conference. On-line copy.
- Thomas J. Fararo and John Skovertz. 2006. Institutionalized social action: Control at the program level. Pp. 113-136 in Purpose, Meaning, and Action: Control Systems Theories in Sociology, edited by K. A. McClelland and T. J. Fararo.
- Christine Fellbaum (Ed.). 1998. Wordnet: An Electronic
Lexical Database. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Web site.
- Thierry Fontenelle. 2003. FrameNet and Frame Semantics. A
Special Issue of International
Journal of Lexicography. 16 (Number 3). Web site.
- Roberto Franzosi. 2004. From
Words to Numbers: Narrative, Data, and Social Science. New
Cambridge University Press.
- Larry J. Griffin, 2007. Historical sociology, narrative and
event-structure analysis: Fifteen years later. Sociologica, 2007: 3.
- D. R. Heise Social
order through macroactions: An interactionist approach. 1996, paper presented at Group Processes Conference. On-line copy.
- D. R. Heise and Alex Durig. 1997 A
frame for organizational actions and macroactions. Journal
of Mathematical Sociology, 22: 95-123. Pre-publication
- William Labov. 1997. Some
Further Steps
in Narrative Analysis. Journal
of Narrative and Life History. Author's copy.
- Charles C. Ragin. 1988. Between Complexity and
The Logic of Qualitative Comparison. Berkeley: University
California Press. Web site.
- Philip A. Schrodt. 1994. Statistical Characteristics of Events Data. International Interactions 20,1-2: 35-53. On-line copy.
- Peter
Starke. 2010. Anecdotal Evidence: The Role of Narrative in Process
Tracing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Political Science Association. On-line copy.
- Charles Tilly. 1999. The trouble with stories. In
Bernice A.
Pescosolido and Ronald Aminzade (eds.), The Social Worlds of Higher
Education: Handbook for Teaching in a New Century. Sage
Publications. On-line copy.
- Deanna
Wilkinson. 2009. Event Dynamics and the Role of Third Parties in Urban
Youth Violence. U.S. Department of Justice Document No. 227781.

last updated November 29, 2019.
� 2012 David