Course Description:
CS 136: Elementary Algorithm Design and Data Abstraction
This course builds on the techniques and patterns learned in CS 135 while making the transition to use of an imperative language. It introduces the design and analysis of algorithms, the management of information, and the programming mechanisms and methodologies required in implementations. Topics discussed include iterative and recursive sorting algorithms; lists, stacks, queues, trees, and their application; abstract data types and their implementations.
Dave's Comments:
Teaching Evaluations:
Number of Respondents: 4 / 35 (11%)
The instructor(s) helped me to understand the course concepts. |
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Neutral | Agree | Strongly Agree | No Basis for Rating |
| | | | 3 | |
| | | | 100% | |
The instructor(s) created a supportive environment that helped me learn (Supportive environments enable students to feel included and valued regardless of any aspect of their identity). |
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Neutral | Agree | Strongly Agree | No Basis for Rating |
| | | 1 | 2 | |
| | | 33% | 67% | |
The instructor(s) stimulated my interest in this course. |
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Neutral | Agree | Strongly Agree | No Basis for Rating |
| | | 1 | 2 | |
| | | 33% | 67% | |
The intended learning outcomes were identified (Learning outcomes/objectives articulate what students should be able to know, do, and/or value by the end of a course). |
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Neutral | Agree | Strongly Agree | No Basis for Rating |
| | 1 | 1 | 2 | |
| | 25% | 25% | 50% | |
The course activities prepared me for the graded work. |
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Neutral | Agree | Strongly Agree | No Basis for Rating |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
| 25% | 25% | 25% | 25% | |
The intended learning outcomes were assessed through my graded work. |
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Neutral | Agree | Strongly Agree | No Basis for Rating |
| 1 | | 2 | 1 | |
| 25% | | 50% | 25% | |
The course workload demands were... |
Very Low | Low | Average | High | Very High | No Basis for Rating |
| | 1 | 1 | 2 | |
| | 25% | 25% | 50% | |
Note: This is a complete list of comments I received, listed alphabetically to avoid bias.
The most important thing I learned in this course was: |
- Benefits of modularization + good program design
- Pointers
What helped me to learn in this course was: |
- stack overflow
- The videos that accompanied the lecture slides were very helpful. The tutorials also helped me learn.
What changes, if any, would I suggest for this course? |
- make assignments easier and make it due 11:59 pm Friday night instead of 10 am morning
- More office hours. There were several times that I queued for over 2.5 hours to ask a question but wasn't able to receive help. Some questions do not lend themselves well to asking on piazza and you need someone to see your code run to help with the problem.
I might also suggest enforcing a 1 or 2 question limit during office hours. There were many times I saw a student working with an instructor or IA for 20+ minutes which isn't very fair when students have been waiting several hours for support.
- -More timely feedback (some of the style feedback came a little too late)
-More proofreading of assignment instructions (many changes were made after I had already begun the assignment)