Song Information
Song Artist(s):Van Halen
Song Title:House of Pain

Album Information

Track Classification
Genre:Rock 1980s
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
Say you're gonna leave me
'Cause I only tie you up
I always love you tender
But you only like it rough
Woman bound for glory
Why you leavin' me again?
Gonna pack your bags and leave
This house of pain

Heartache's all around me
How many times we've tried
Said she tried to leave me
But her hands were always tied
If I had it all to do
I'd keep it just the same
Gonna fix it so you never leave
This house of pain

Ah ah, ah ah, ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah, ah ah, ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah, ah ah, ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah

Track Information
Published Time:3:18
Measured Time:3:17
Traktor Peak dB: 0.348
Traktor Perceived dB: 5.379

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM: 99.8
Traktor BPM: 100.0 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:F#m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:cf0f919d-d239-e289-1e2a-71401e0c412f

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Van Halen
Song Title:House of Pain
First Release Year:1984

MUSIC IP Song Mix Recommendations:
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SALSA____ST1-08MariselaI Know
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POWERTRK_012-07Elvis PresleyBurning Love
BTO______GH1-02Bachman-Turner OverdriveHey You
HALLOATS_GH1-07Daryl Hall & John OatesPrivate Eyes
BTO______GH1-06Bachman-Turner OverdriveTake It Like a Man
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ZZTOP____AFT-07ZZ TopI Got the Message
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ESSENTLS_005-04Toni BasilMickey
CREAMDNC_01A-13Simon HarrisBass (How Low Can You Go)
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KIMMITCH_RCK-10Kim MitchellThe Great Embrace
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SWEET____GH1-12The SweetStairway to the Stairs
GENESIS__STD-05GenesisIllegal Alien
LOOKPEPL_BOO-01Look PeopleLove Bug
KIMMITCH_LV1-08Kim MitchellGo for Soda [Live]
ALLSTARS_201-16Down 2 EarthSlide
TWSTSIST_GH1-02Twisted SisterI Wanna Rock
ULTSYNTH_01D-04Project DSit And Wait [Synth Version]
HOWJONES_GH1-03Howard JonesPearl in the Shell
POWERTRK_021-18Go WestKing of Wishful Thinking
FYCNIBLS_RAW-10Fine Young CannibalsEver Fallen in Love
POWERTRK_160-07Robbie NevilJust Like You
EDDIEMNY_GH1-10Eddie MoneyLooking Through the Eyes of a Child
EDDIEMNY_GH1-13Eddie MoneyStop Steppin' on My Heart
LOOKPEPL_BOO-02Look PeopleLousy Lover
JNANDRSN_COA-09Jon AndersonBetcha
INXS_____KCK-11INXSCalling All Nations
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POWERTRK_006-06Van HalenJump
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POWERTRK_064-11Aldo NovaFantasy
ZZTOP____AFT-03ZZ TopWoke Up With Wood
POWERTRK_030-14The ClashRock the Casbah
FOOTLOSE_ST1-02Deniece WilliamsLet's Hear It for the Boy
LOVERBOY_GH1-02LoverboyFor You
POWERTRK_028-09Gino VannelliBlack Cars
EURTHMCS_GH1-07EurythmicsSisters Are Doin' It for Themselves
POWERTRK_135-08Living ColourCult of Personality
RTZ______STD-07RTZDevil to Pay
DTRANDOM_021-01Johnnie TaylorDisco Lady
POWERTRK_145-16John MellencampCherry Bomb
EURTHMCS_GH1-13EurythmicsThorn in My Side
BILYJOEL_STF-06Billy JoelStorm Front
DTRANDOM_036-15Big PigBreakaway
POWERTRK_163-04Kim MitchellRock 'N Roll Duty
BILYJOEL_STF-04Billy JoelI Go to Extremes
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POWERTRK_011-02Edwin StarrWar
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POWERTRK_089-03Thomas DolbyHyperactive
EUROPE___PIP-04EuropeLittle Bit of Lovin'
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SHEDEVIL_ST1-01SafireI Will Survive
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