Song Information
Song Artist(s):Pink Floyd
Song Title:One Slip

Album Information
Album:A Momentary Lapse of Reason

Track Classification
Genre:Rock 1980s
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock/Pop

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
A restless eye across a weary room
A glazed look and I was on the road to ruin
The music played and played as we whirled without end
No hint, no word her honour to defend

"I will, I will," she sighed to my request
And then she tossed her mane while my resolve was put to the test
Then drowned in desire, our souls on fire
I lead the way to the funeral pyre
And without a thought of the consequence
I gave in to my decadence

One slip and down the hole we fall
It seems to take no time at all
A momentary lapse of reason
That binds a life for life
A small regret, you won't forget
There'll be no sleep in here tonight

Was it love, or was it the idea of being in love?
Or was it the hand of fate that seemed to fit just like a glove?
The moment slipped by and soon the seeds were sown
The year grew late and neither one wanted to remain alone

One slip and down the hole we fall
It seems to take no time at all
A momentary lapse of reason
That binds a life to a life
A small regret, you'll never forget
There'll be no sleep in here tonight

One slip ... one slip

Track Information
Published Time:5:06
Measured Time:5:06
Traktor Peak dB: 0.224
Traktor Perceived dB: 3.109

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:116.9
Traktor BPM: 116.9 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:C m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:1b7209ce-33ae-6982-d1ae-2f5c6928962b

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Pink Floyd
Song Title:One Slip
First Release Year:1987

MUSIC IP Song Mix Recommendations:
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PARACLUB_GH1-07The Parachute ClubAt the Feet of the Moon
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INXS_____XXX-11INXSHear That Sound
JESUSJNS_DBT-08Jesus JonesWelcome Back Victoria
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EURTHMCS_GH1-13EurythmicsThorn in My Side
POWERTRK_063-07The Doobie BrothersChina Grove
SMPLMIND_GH1-03Simple MindsAlive And Kicking
MIKEMECH_STD-04Mike + The MechanicsHanging by a Thread
DTRANDOM_016-03Belouis SomeImagination
KIMMITCH_LV1-08Kim MitchellGo for Soda [Live]
KANSAS___GH1-01KansasCarry on Wayward Son
TALKHEAD_G1B-05Talking HeadsRoad to Nowhere
JOURNEY__GH1-03JourneyWheel in the Sky
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RUSH_____G1B-02RushRed Barchetta
YES______BIG-05YesLove Will Find a Way
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QUEEN____MIR-02QueenKhashoggi's Ship
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LOVERBOY_GH1-09LoverboyTurn Me Loose
YES______G1D-05YesShoot High Aim Low
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POWERTRK_064-11Aldo NovaFantasy
EUROPE___OTW-11EuropeTower's Callin'
LEVEL42__GH1-01Level 42Running in the Family
QNSRYCHE_EMP-02QueensrycheThe Thin Line
PRINCE___PRN-09PrincePurple Rain
SMPLMIND_GH1-15Simple MindsLet There Be Love
PGABRIEL_SO1-01Peter GabrielRed Rain
QNSRYCHE_EMP-04QueensrycheDella Brown
KIMMITCH_AUR-07Kim MitchellThere's a Story
RADIO098_04A-06KaiSay You'll Stay
POWERTRK_067-04Van HalenDance the Night Away
POWERTRK_105-05Steve Miller BandFly Like an Eagle
KIMMITCH_RCK-08Kim MitchellO Mercy Louise
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HEART____LV1-08HeartThe Night [Live]