Song Information
Song Artist(s):Heart
Song Title:Rock And Roll

Album Information
Album:Greatest Hits

Track Classification
Genre:Rock 1980s
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
(Led Zeppelin)

It's been a long time since I rock and rolled,
It's been a long time since I did the stroll.
Ooh, let me get it back, let me get it back,
Let me get it back, baby, where I come from.
It's been a long time, been a long time,

Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time.
Yes it has. It's been a long time since the book of love,
I can't count the tears of a life with no love.
Carry me back, carry me back,
Carry me back, baby, where I come from.
It's been a long time, been a long time,

Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time.
Seems so long since we walked in the moonlight,
Making vows that just can't work right.
Open your arms, opens your arms,
Open your arms, baby, let my love come running in.
It's been a long time, been a long time,
Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time.

Track Information
Published Time:5:55
Measured Time:5:55
Traktor Peak dB:-0.018
Traktor Perceived dB: 4.709

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM: 87.0
Traktor BPM: 173.9 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:E m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:4b5892e0-8324-54e5-4510-b79655f052ed

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Heart
Song Title:Rock And Roll
First Release Year:1981

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