Song Information
Song Artist(s):Santana Featuring Michelle Branch & The Wreckers
Song Title:I'm Feeling You

Album Information
Album:Promo Only - Chart Radio 104 - 2005 11 Nov

Track Classification
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
Sometimes I imagine the world without you
But most time I'm just so happy that I ever found you
Its a complicated web
That you weave inside my head
So much pleasure with such pain
We always always stay the same

I'm feeling the way you cross my mind
And you save me in the knick of time
I'm riding the highs I'm digging the lows
Cuz at least I feel alive
I never faced so many emotional days
But my life is good I'm feeling you
I'm feeling you

You go and then I can finally breath in
Cuz baby I know in the end you're never leaving
Well we rarely ever sane
I drive you crazy and you do the same
But your fire fills my soul
And it warms me up like no one knows

I'm feeling the way you cross my mind
And you save me in the knick of time
I'm riding the highs I'm digging the lows
Cuz at least I feel alive
I never faced so many emotional days
But my life is good
I'm feeling you
I'm feeling you

I'm feeling the way you cross my mind
And you save me in the knick of time
I'm riding the highs I'm digging the lows
Cuz at least I feel alive
I never faced so many emotional days

Oh I'm feeling the way you cross my mind
And you save me in the knick of time
I'm riding the highs I'm digging the lows
Cuz at least I feel alive
I never faced so many emotional days
But my life is good
I'm feeling you
I'm feeling you
I'm feeling you
I'm feeling you

Oh I'm feelin' the way that you cross my mind
And the way that you save me in the nick of time
Oh I'm feelin' the way when you walk on by
I feel light, I feel love, I feel butterflies

I feel butterflies

Track Information
Published Time:4:08
Measured Time:4:08
Traktor Peak dB:-0.523
Traktor Perceived dB:-1.631

Mix Information
Mix Note(s):INTRO :09 / FADE
Published BPM:120
Mixmeister BPM:120.0
Traktor BPM: 120.0 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:F m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:982cd882-0142-bf6f-1cf2-9bf3f0b07a83

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Santana
Song Title:I'm Feeling You (Feat. Michelle Branch & The Wreckers)
First Release Year:2005

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