Song Information
Song Artist(s):Alias
Song Title:After All the Love Is Gone

Album Information

Track Classification
Genre:Rock 1980s
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
Round and round, in a haze
Every night waiting for you
You run hot, then you're cold
But this game you play is, getting old
Now it's time you learned, with fire you're
gonna get burned
And my heart is stone, I'd rather be alone
Just turn and walk away

There ain't nothing you can ever say
Nothing you can do to make me stay
After all, the love is gone, it's gone

I closed my eyes, pretend that there was nothing wrong
In my heart, in my soul, I remember every lie
you told

Now I stand my ground, never gonna turn around
And my heart is stone, I'd rather be alone
Just turn and walk away

There ain't nothing you can ever say
Nothing you can do to make me stay
After all, the love is gone
You can beg me down on your knees
You can tell me that you'll never leave
After all, the love is gone Ya Ya

I'm gonna close that door, forget you're alive
Don't come around no more, I'm walking away

Track Information
Published Time:4:16
Measured Time:4:16
Traktor Peak dB: 1.068
Traktor Perceived dB: 3.519

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:120.1
Traktor BPM: 120.1 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:A m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:23c4c042-b49c-3f5b-115d-3f1123cc274e

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Alias
Song Title:After All The Love Is Gone
First Release Year:1990

MUSIC IP Song Mix Recommendations:
POWERTRK_170-13Mr. MisterIs It Love
HNYMNSTE_MUB-08Honeymoon SuiteMiracle
KONKAN___VDA-02Kon KanSinful Wishes
ALIAS____STD-09AliasOne More Chance
DTRANDOM_022-01Nelson(Can't Live Without Your) Love And Affection
DTRANDOM_034-06Bruce SpringsteenLeap Of Faith
QNSRYCHE_EMP-09QueensrycheHand on Heart
SWEET____GH1-07The SweetFox on the Run
GLASSTIG_SMP-03Glass TigerLet's Talk
PETSHOPB_GH1-04Pet Shop BoysSuburbia
ESSENTLS_005-08The JamBeat Surrender
GLASSTIG_SMP-02Glass TigerAnimal Heart
ALIAS____STD-04AliasThe Power
HAYWIRE__DJS-06HaywireHard Reaction
SMITHS___GH2-08The SmithsBigmouth Strikes Again
ALIAS____STD-06AliasWhat to Do
DTRANDOM_011-12U2Everlasting Love
HAYWIRE__GET-10HaywireOne Heart
POWERTRK_108-09Soul AsylumRunaway Train
BRGHTRCK_TDB-10Brighton RockShootin for Love
REOSPEED_GH1-13REO SpeedwagonBack on the Road Again
ASIA_____THN-06AsiaDays Like These
POWERTRK_084-08John ParrSt. Elmo's Fire (Man in Motion)
VANHALEN_FUC-11Van HalenTop of the World
DTRANDOM_007-23The Rolling StonesStreet Fighting Man
ESSENTLS_007-06MadnessHouse of Fun
SAGA_____GH1-09SagaThe Flyer
RADIO099_06A-02Def LeppardPromises
HNYMNSTE_MUB-01Honeymoon SuiteSay You Don't Know Me
ZZTOP____REC-03ZZ TopPenthouse Eyes
BELINDAC_GH1-06Belinda CarlisleLeave a Light On
YNGWEMLM_GH1-06Yngwie MalmsteenQueen in Love
EDDIEMNY_RHR-03Eddie MoneyAnother Nice Day in L.A.
ESSENTLS_008-04David Bowie & Mick JaggerDancing in the Street
JGEILSBD_GH1-03The J. Geils BandFlame Thrower
POWERTRK_149-03Eddie MoneyTake Me Home Tonight
POWERTRK_047-12Dwight YoakamSuspicious Minds
HNYMNSTE_RAM-08Honeymoon SuiteFast Company
GLASSTIG_SMP-12Glass TigerOne Night Alone
POWERTRK_167-12Bryan AdamsDiana
FIXX_____GH1-04The FixxSecret Separation
POWERTRK_021-08Rod StewartMotown Song [Remix]
KIMMITCH_AKA-04Kim MitchellDiary for Rock 'N' Roll Men
POWERTRK_063-17Bruce SpringsteenBorn in the U.S.A.
BRGHTRCK_TDB-06Brighton RockRebels With a Case
SAGA_____GH1-10SagaCat Walk
TRIUMPH__SUR-02TriumphNever Say Never
ULTIM80S_01B-03StarshipWe Built This City
POWERTRK_135-13Honeymoon SuiteNew Girl Now
POWERTRK_115-05The Icicle WorksWhisper to a Scream (Birds Fly)
HNYMNSTE_MUB-11Honeymoon SuiteStand Alone
POWERTRK_086-15Traveling WilburysHandle With Care
SHEDEVIL_ST1-04Tom KimmelAlways
PARTYTIM_005-16AmazuluMontego Bay
ALIAS____STD-02AliasHaunted Heart
AEROSMTH_PMP-04AerosmithMonkey on My Back
RIGHTBRS_GH1-09The Righteous BrothersAmerican Rock And Roll
POWERTRK_110-07Motley CrueDr. Feelgood
BRGHTRCK_TDB-05Brighton RockRide the Rainbow
BRGHTRCK_LOV-03Brighton RockLove Machine
JOURNEY__GH1-15JourneyBe Good to Yourself
BRGHTRCK_TDB-02Brighton RockOutlaw
EDDIEMNY_GH1-12Eddie MoneyWe Should Be Sleeping
JOOLSHLD_GH1-11Jools HollandHeartbreaking World
BRGHTRCK_LOV-08Brighton RockNothin' to Loose
BRGHTRCK_LOV-07Brighton RockLove in a Bottle
HNYMNSTE_MUB-02Honeymoon SuiteBring on the Light
HLSUMMER_IGE-06Henry Lee SummerLouie Louie Louie
POWERTRK_165-12Simple MindsSanctify Yourself
RETRO80S_002-04Re-FlexThe Politics of Dancing
HAYWIRE__GET-09HaywireMove Over
LOVERBOY_GH1-12LoverboyToo Hot
COYTUGLY_ST1-05Don HenleyAll She Wants to Do Is Dance
POWERTRK_162-18Lee AaronHands On