
SchemaSpy Analysis of odyssey

Generated on Wed Jan 30 09:36 EST 2019

XML Representation
Insertion Order Deletion Order
Constraints 6
Anomalies 0
Routines 0

Database Properties

Database Type: PostgreSQL - 9.5.15

Schema _watiam

Data Import: Tables for normal application use of WatIAM data


Table / View Children Parents Columns Rows Type Comments
watiam_dept_num 0 1 3 23681 Table
watiam_office 0 1 3 5085 Table
watiam_phone 0 1 3 5140 Table
watiam_uw_id 0 1 3 437927 Table
watiam_dept_name 0 1 3 491191 Table
watiam_entry 6 0 19 491197 Table

Information from one line of the WatIAM Extract

watiam_hr_id 0 1 3 159325 Table
check_duplicate_hr_id 0 0 2 0 View

HR IDs which occur more than once in the Extract

check_duplicate_uw_id 0 0 2 0 View

UW IDs which occur more than once in the Extract

check_invalid_uw_id 0 0 4 0 View

Invalid UW IDs which occur in the Extract

check_invalid_hr_id 0 0 4 0 View

Invalid HR IDs which occur in the Extract

check_invalid_pdbid 0 0 2 0 View

Invalid PDBIDs which occur in the Extract