

Information from one line of the WatIAM Extract


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
pdbid int4 10 null
watiam_dept_name.pdbid watiam_dept_name_pdbid_fkeyR
watiam_dept_num.pdbid watiam_dept_num_pdbid_fkeyR
watiam_hr_id.pdbid watiam_hr_id_pdbid_fkeyR
watiam_office.pdbid watiam_office_pdbid_fkeyR
watiam_phone.pdbid watiam_phone_pdbid_fkeyR
watiam_uw_id.pdbid watiam_uw_id_pdbid_fkeyR

Persistent DB Identifier

surname text 2147483647 null

Surname (example, Smith)

givennames text 2147483647 null

Given names (example, John Edward)

nicknames text 2147483647 null

Familiar names (example, Ted)

email text 2147483647 null

Electronic mail (example, jsmith@forestry.uwaterloo.ca)

homepage text 2147483647 null

Personal web page (example, http://forestry.uwaterloo.ca/~jsmith)

visible bool 1 null

Privacy request, do not publish if FALSE

authority text 2147483647 null

Authority who created entry

created date 13 null

Date entry created

lastmentioned date 13 null

Date last mentioned in authoritative source

activated date 13 null

Date authentication token assigned

lastchanged date 13 null

Date entry last changed

expired bool 1 null

Whether entry is expired

hr_id int4 10 null

First HR ID number

uw_id int4 10 null

First student ID number

userid text 2147483647 null

Standard UW userid (maximum 8 characters)

useridext text 2147483647 null

Additional UW userid characters; concatenate with userid to get full long userid

ou _text 2147483647 null

Active Directory OU, separated into components

campus_email text 2147483647 null

Table contained 491197 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
watiam_entry_pkey Primary key Asc pdbid
watiam_entry_lower_idx Performance
watiam_entry_userid_key Must be unique Asc userid
