Welcome Page

Welcome to the CS 116 Resources Page. Here is where you will find a bunch of resources I have created for my classes in CS 116.


All the best and happy learning!

Carmen Bruni




I am not sure exactly how I want this page to look. For now I will put the information on here then likely modify the contents to be more in line with the Math 135 Resources Page. I cannot post code relating to clicker questions but other pieces of code I use in class will be posted.


I want to point out a very useful website with lots of relevant videos on how to understand Python can be found on the Software Carpentry website. This is definitely worth a look if you're struggling with basic concepts. I'll try to focus here on this page to point out common misconceptions and how to correct them.


This webpage was template Bootstrap Free Admin Template - SIMINTA | Admin Dashboad Template. See http://www.free-css.com/free-css-templates/page197/siminta