CS 492 - Social Implications of Computing

Welcome to CS 492 W23, Sections 003/004!

Instructors: dan brown and Maura Grossman

This is the main CS 492 website for the Winter 2023 offering, Sections 003 and 004. We do not use LEARN in CS 492, except that we do use the LEARN dropbox for the course, for both weekly submissions and for the course projects; also some readings are found on the LEARN site.

The syllabus for this offering of CS 492 is here; most of the information in that document is also found throughout this website.

Section 003 will meet on Tuesdays, from 10:30 to 12:20, in MC 4060.

Section 004 will meet on Tuesdays, from 2:30 to 4:20, via Zoom; students in that section will receive the Zoom link via email.