CS 492 - Social Implications of Computing


Students will create a project in small groups. The project must be connected to the subject matter of the course. The mark for the project will count for 35% of the overall course mark, as described on the grading pane.

Your project team will consist of two to four students. Larger teams are to produce a more substantial project.

Please identify your team early in the course, and use the Slack channel to help yourself find teammates, if you know what topic you want to explore.

The project must be connected to the course material. Teams must submit a very brief email proposal to the instructor by 17 October. Please take instructor feedback to this proposal seriously; if you are advised to consider a different approach or topic and then do not, your project grade may suffer!

You may present your project in the class on 2 December; doing so will count for participation marks, and will also be fun. We will have a sign up for these presentations in November.

The final submission for the projects, which is due on 8 December at 11:59 PM consists of:

Two strong suggestions about the project: