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Intel® Linux LAN Adapters PROCfg Application: Intel Network Adapters User Guide

Supported Features
Running the PROCfg Client
Known Issues


This file describes the Intel® Linux* LAN Adapters PROCfg Application, version 1.7.x.

PROCfg is a reporting and configuration tool for Intel® PRO LAN adapters (10/100 and 1000) and Intel Advanced Network Services (iANS). It works with the Intel e100, e1000, and iANS drivers on Intel 32-bit architectures running Red Hat Linux.

The tool consists of two parts: the daemon PROCfgd and the PROCfg command-line tool. The daemon should be run on a managed machine. The command-line tool should be used on a managing machine. The managing machine can be either the same managed machine that is used for the daemon, or it can be a remote machine.

Intel supplies pre-built binary RPM files of this application for Red Hat Linux distributions. For instructions on installing an RPM, see the Installation section.

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PROCfgd and PROCfg require the following minimal versions:

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Supported Features

PROCfg includes the following features for Intel adapters:



Special Functions:

Error messages:


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There are two methods available for installing PROCfgd: installing from source code; and installing from a pre-built binary RPM. Pre-built binary RPM installation is recommended if you are using Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1 kernel ver. 2.4.9-e.3. If not, you must use the source code installation method.

Installing from Source Code

  1. Copy the files to a directory of your choice. Put the following files in the same directory:

    procfgd-x.x.x.tar.gz (x.x.x designates the version number)
    libxerces-c1_6_0.tar.gz (xerces XML-parser library. Needed only if it is not already installed in the system).

  2. Untar the procfgd-x.x.x.tar.gz file:
        tar xzvf procfgd-x.x.x.tar.gz
    The procfgd-x.x.x directory should appear.
  3. Change directories to the procfgd-x.x.x directory:
        cd procfgd-x.x.x
    The following files should be in the directory:
  4. Enter:
    The INSTALL script untars necessary tar files and copies the following files to the indicated location:
        procfgd (the server application) and procfgd_adduser to /usr/sbin
        procfgd.1 (the man page) to the default man directory
        the licenses, README, and ldistrib.txt files to /usr/share/doc/procfgd-<package_version>
  5. After procfgd is installed, the INSTALL script asks if you want procfgd to automatically run on boot. If you answer 'yes', a script called 'procfgd' is placed in the directory containing the system's boot scripts (usually in /etc/rc.d/init.d/). If you answer 'no' and have later changed your mind, you can always enter the 'procfgd-x.x.x' directory and run the command:
        ./INSTALL_BOOT install
    Likewise, if you no longer want procfgd to run on boot, use the command:
        ./INSTALL_BOOT uninstall
  6. To run the PROCfg server, first log on to the system as root. Enter:
    NOTE: To change the configuration for the PRO LAN adapters or iANS PROCfgd requires a non-default username and password. To configure a user, see the instructions in the next step.

    The daemon runs by default on port 58086. If this port is taken or if PROCfgd is already running on the default port, the following error message is printed on the screen:
        init_master_agent: Invalid local port (Address already in use) Server Exiting with code 1
    In order to run the server on an alternate port, use the -p option:
        procfgd -p <port number>

  7. To add a new read/write-access user to the PROCfg server, first log on as root. Make sure PROCfgd is not running. Enter the following, where the password is at least 8 characters long:
        /usr/sbin/procfgd_adduser <username> <password>
    Multiple read/write users may be added. The new username(s)/password(s) are added to the /var/.procfgd/procfgd.conf file. After running the server once, this file is encrypted, but the password is visible while typing it.
    NOTE: A single read-only user is configured by default on the PROCfg server. To simply view settings no username or password are required, as long as the default username and password (username=procfgd, password=pRoCfGdPaSs) have been left in place.

To Uninstall

  1. To uninstall enter


            The UNINSTALL script will remove all files installed by INSTALL script (see step 4 above).

Installing a Pre-Built Binary RPM

NOTE: Only use this method if using Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1 kernel ver. 2.4.9-e.3.

Intel supplies pre-built binary RPM files of this application for Red Hat Linux distributions. On the installation CD, the RPM is located at:


Otherwise, navigate to the directory containing the RPM that you wish to install. To install or uninstall the RPMs, follow the instructions below:

NOTE: The <filename> must be specific to the version you are using.  <filename> is the entire filename; for example, procfg-1.7.36-1.i386.rpm. <package> is just the package name; for example, procfg.
NOTE: If you have a previous RPM installed, it must be uninstalled before installing the new RPM. To determine whether or not a previous RPM is installed, enter rpm -q procfg.
  1. To install the RPM, enter:
        rpm -i <filename>
    To uninstall the RPM, enter:
        rpm -e <package>


There are two methods available for installing PROCfg: installing from source code; and installing from a pre-built binary RPM.

Installing from Source Code
  1. Copy the following file to a directory of your choice.
        procfg-x.x.x.tar.gz (x.x.x designates the version number)
  2. Untar the procfg-x.x.x.tar.gz file:
        tar xzvf procfg-x.x.x.tar.gz 
    The procfg-x.x.x directory should appear.
  3. Change directories to the procfg-x.x.x directory: 
        cd procfg-x.x.x
    The following files should be in the directory:
  4. Enter:
    The INSTALL script copies the following files to the indicated location:
        client - to /usr/sbin
        procfg.1 (the man page) - to the default man directory
        the licenses, README, and ldistrib.txt files to /usr/share/doc/procfg-<package_version>
    To configure a user in the PROCfg client (procfg), see the Switches section below.
    NOTE: A single read-only user is configured by default on the PROCfg server. To simply view settings no username or password are required, as long as the default username and password (username=procfgd, password=pRoCfGdPaSs) have been left in place.

To Uninstall

  1. To uninstall enter


            The UNINSTALL script will remove all files installed by INSTALL script (see step 4 above).

Installing a Pre-Built Binary RPM

Intel supplies pre-built binary RPM files of this application for Red Hat Linux distributions. If you have a previous RPM installed, it must be uninstalled before installing the new RPM. To determine whether or not a previous RPM is installed, enter rpm -q procfg. To install, uninstall, or upgrade the RPMs, follow the instructions below.

When installing the RPM file, an init script called procfgd is created under /etc/rc.d/init.d. This script causes procfgd to run automatically without the user having to manually run the PROCfg server (procfgd) before using PROCfg. On the installation CD, the RPM file is located at:

\APPS\LINUX\PROSET\procfg-1.7.34-1.i386.rpm. Otherwise, navigate to the directory containing the RPM that you wish to install.

NOTE: The <filename> and <package> must be specific to the application version and distribution you are using.

<filename> is the entire filename; for example, procfg-1.3.16-1.i386.rpm.
<package> is just the package name; for example, procfg-1.3.16-1.

You must issue the appropriate command for both the procfg and procfgd RPM.

To install the RPM, enter: 
    rpm -i <filename>
To uninstall the RPM, enter:
    rpm -e <package>
To upgrade the RPM to a newer application version, enter:
    rpm -U <filename>

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Running the PROCfg Client

The following parameters are used by entering them on the command line with the procfg command. When issuing a command, the following syntax must be used:

    procfg [<switch(es)>] <command> [<object(s)>] [<option(s)>]

Object(s) can be an interface name (ethx), team name, or list of interfaces or team names (eth0 eth1 ...).

Each switch has a long name as well. See the man page for a more detailed description of the command options.

CAUTION: The PROCfgd daemon must be running before issuing a command.


Switch Description

-p <port>

If the PROCfgd daemon is not using the default port, you must set the PROCfg application to the same port. If a port number is not specified, the default port (58086) is used.

-h <hostname>

Hostname or IP address of the managed machine (the one that runs the PROCfgd server). If not specified, the default hostname (localhost) is used.

-U <username> -P <password>

Set the username and password to access the server application. The username and password must be pre-configured in the server (see the Installation section). If you do not specify a username or password, the defaults are used (username: procfgd, password: pRoCfGdPaSs).
NOTE: The default username is authorized for 'get' operations only.

-t <num_seconds>

This parameter specifies how long, in seconds, the PROCfg application waits for response from PROCfgd. The default is 4 seconds and should only be increased for a highly stressed server.


"Force mode". Commands do not issue warning to the user.

To allow a non-default User to write without having to input the username and password on each command, or to save changes to any of these values create a configuration file named procfg.conf. Place it in your home directory under a procfg directory (~/.procfg/procfg.conf). This file may contain the new username, password, port or timeout. The new settings are retained across reboots. An example of the procfg.conf file:

username anyone
password anyonepassword
port 1012
hostname localhost
timeout 20

NOTE: The configuration file must not contain any white spaces following any of the switches.

Commands - Informational

Command Description
help or -h [<command_in-question> [-a]] Displays command usage. Use -a for advanced information.
adapters [<ethx(s) or lspci_adapter_name(s)>] [-a -v -i -h -p[d]] Displays general information on adapters in the system including: unique name, system name, link state, speed, duplex, team membership, type (Intel100 for Intel adapters using e100, Intel1000 for Intel adapters using e1000, vendor names otherwise), VLANs, interfaces, hardware info, adapter load time parameters, and GVRP parameters.
NOTE: Link state, speed, and duplex are not supplied for non-Intel adapters. For specific switches see the man page.
adpdiag [<ethx(s)>] [-d <diagnostic_name1> [-p <parameter_value1>]]
[-d <diagnostic_name2> [-p <parameter_value2>]] ...
Runs diagnostics on adapters. If no adapter names are given the command displays a list of adapters and their driver, on which a diagnostic can be run. If one adapter name is given without any diagnostic names the command displays a list of diagnostics that can be run on the adapter. If both adapter names and diagnostic names are given the command runs the specified diagnostics on the specified adapters. Specify -p for diagnostics that expect a parameter.
blink ethx [-t <num_seconds>] Identifies adapter by blinking hardware LED. Default blink time is 10 seconds.
NOTE: Ethtool blocks all other network configuration while the blink operation is running.
interfaces [<ethx(s)>] [-a -d -s -x] Displays general information on all interfaces in the system including: interface name, inet address, broadcast address, netmask, VLAN ID, MTU size, driver info, and statistics.
teams [<team_name(s)>] [-m -p -v -i -g] Displays information on the teams in the system including: teaming mode, team current primary, team state, team link state, team speed, team members table, team VLANs table, team hwaddr, team probe parameters, and GVRP parameters.

Teams probe parameters are: addressing mode, check time out, send time, max retry count, receive time out, receive back cycles, probe burst size.

Team speed is defined differently for the different teaming modes. For AFT, SFT, and ALB, team speed = primary speed. For FEC and GEC, team speed = sum of speeds of all members.

tree Demonstrates the topology of the system. Gives a non-detailed listing of all stand-alone adapters and their VLANs, teams and their VLANs, and members.
vlans Displays information on VLANs including: interface name, VLAN name and ID.

Commands - Save and Restore

Command Description
restore [<file_name>] [-c -i -b] Restore a network configuration from the host. The configuration is restored from a file in the /etc/procfgd directory. The default file name is saved_conf.procfgd.

The -c option forces the client to restore the configuration on the server(s). When using this option, you must have a configuration file that contains the server list and hostname (or IP address) for each host on which the configuration should be restored. If you have multiple servers, they must be copy-exact of each other; they must have the same kernel version, same types and number of adapters, and same driver versions. When the -c option is used the path to the configuration file may be either relative to the current directory or absolute.

The -i option restores the IP addresses for the server(s) from the restore IP file. This feature is recommended to prevent connection losses. To use this option, you must first create a restore IP file that contains, for each hostname or IP address in the configuration files described above, a list of interface names and their IP addresses. The restore IP file must be located in the same directory from which the procfg command is run. When the -i option is not used, the IP addresses are as defined in the configuration file.

The -b option is used for restore on boot.

For examples of the configuration and restore IP files, see below.

NOTE: Do not modify hardware configuration if teams are set to restore on reboot. Unexpected results may occur.
save [<file_name>] [-c] Save the current network configuration on the host. The file is saved in the /etc/procfgd directory. The default file name is saved_conf.procfgd.

The -c option saves the configuration on the client that is configuring the server. When the -c option is used the path to the configuration file may be either relative to the current directory or absolute.

NOTE: Do not insert hardware if teams are set to restore on reboot. If hardware is added, the teams must be recreated.

To ensure network configuration is restored:

  1. Ensure that you have installed procfgd with the option to automatically run on boot. For instructions, see the PROCfgd Installation section.
  2. Ensure that procfg is installed on the server where procfgd is installed before implementing the following procedure.
  3. Save the current configuration as the default saved configuration:
        procfg -f save
    The default file name is /etc/procfgd/saved_conf.procfgd.
    NOTE: You can run procfg -f save once or multiple times. You can also save multiple configurations to different files using /usr/sbin/procfg save <file_name>. Then, copy the configuration file you want to restore on boot to the default restore file location (/etc/procfgd/saved_conf.procfgd). The file must be saved to /etc/procfgd or any subdirectory under this location.

During the next reboot, the default configuration will load and restore your network configuration.

NOTE: The restore operation overrides network scripts. If you are using DHCP or have other information in the network scripts (such as an IP address), issuing this command will override that information. For example, if you specify an IP address in the script, PROCfg will override that address with the IP address specified in the saved configuration.

Definition of multi server conf_file:

username <user>
password <password>
port <n>
timeout <n>
hostname <ip_address>
hostname <ip>

Definition of restore_ip.procfgd:

[name (as in hostname from conf file)]
<interface_name> <ip_address> [-b <broadcast>] [-n <netmask>] [-d] [-a <ipv6_address>] [-a <other_address>]
[other name]

NOTE: <other_address> refers to "other_ipv6_address." There can be multiple ipv6 addresses for each interface ("-a" can appear multiple times).
NOTE: -d is used for removing the default IPv6 address.
-a is used to add IPv6 addresses (many -a flags may appear).
NOTE: The management adapter's IP address (hostname IP address) in the above examples must be an IPv4 address.

Commands - Team/VLAN Configuration

Command Description
addmem <team_name> <ethx> [-p <priority>] <ethx> [-p <priority>] ... Add adapter to team. Default priority is none.
addteam <team_name> eth0 eth1 ... [-M <mode>] [-e/-d] [-a <addrmode>] [-c <num>] [-s <num>] [-m <num>] [-t <num>] [-r <num>] [-b <num>] [-g <aggregation mode>] [-R <on|off>] [-f <num>] Add team. <team_name> must be no longer than 8 characters, must start with a letter, and must NOT start with the letters "eth". The default teaming mode is AFT. For other default values, see the man page.
addvlans <ethx>/<team_name> -i <VLAN_ID(s)> [-n <VLAN_name>] -i <VLAN_ID(s)> [-n <VLAN_name>] ... Add VLANs to a team or a physical adapter. Each set of VLAN IDs can be tagged with a VLAN name. The VLAN ID range is 0 - 4095.
NOTE: If a VLAN ID appears twice in the list an error occurs.
delmem <team_name> <member_names_list> Delete members from team.
delteam <team_name> Delete team.
delvlans <ethx>/<team_name> -i <VLAN_ID(s)> Delete VLANs from a team or physical adapter. If a VLAN ID appears twice in the list an error occurs. delvlans will not remove VLANs if their interface is up.

After configuring teaming and VLAN settings, you must save the configuration as the default to make sure it is restored after the next reboot. To ensure network configuration is restored, see the instructions under the Save and Restore commands.

Commands - Setting Parameters

NOTE: Enter 'procfg <command>' for a list of the objects that can be configured by the specified command. Enter 'procfg <command> <object>' for a list of parameters that can be set by the specified command and the current values of those parameters.
Command Description
adpcfg [<ethx>] [-h <hwaddr>] Sets adapter hardware address, speed, and duplex.
adpsetp [<ethx(s)>] [-p <parameter_name1> = <val1>] [-p <parameter_name2> = <val2>] ... Sets load time parameters for adapters that are not in a team or VLAN and that are using the e100 driver. This operation downs any existing ethx that is using the e100 driver and unloads the driver. Then, the driver is reloaded with the new parameters, and the previous configuration is saved and restored.
NOTE: This operation is currently not available for Intel PRO/1000 adapters.
ifcfg [<ethx(s)>] [-i <addr>] [-n <mask>] [-b <addr>] [-u <pktsize>] [-s <up/down>]

Sets interfaces (all in list set to same value).

NOTE: Setting aliased interfaces to the same IP address should fail. "ifcfg ethx:i -i" removes the alias i from ethx. "ifcfg ethx:i -s down" also removes the alias.
memcfg <member_name> -p <priority> Sets member priority.
teamcfg [<team_name>] [-h <addr>] [-M <mode>] [-e/-d] [-a <addrmode>] [-c <num>] [-s <num>] [-m <num>] [-t <num>] [-r <num>] [-b <num>] [-g <aggregation mode>] [-R <on|off>] [-f <num>] Configures team.
vlancfg <ethx>/<team_name> [-g <on|off> [-t <num>] ] Sets GVRP information.

Commands - Drivers

NOTE: The loaddrv and unloaddrv commands are not supported on Red Hat 7.3 systems. As a workaround, use the insmod and rmmod commands respectively.

Command Description
loaddrv [<driver_name> [-c <insmod_command_parameters>]] Loads a driver. If no arguments are given, the operation lists the loadable drivers. If a driver name is given, the operation executes the insmod command to load the driver. Users may specify additional parameters to pass to the insmod command.

See the insmod manpage for a description of the parameters insmod can receive. insmod must include the module name, even if it is identical to the <driver_name> given in the loaddrv command.

unloaddrv [<driver_name> [-c <rmmod_command_parameters>]] Unloads a driver. If no arguments are given, the operation lists the removable drivers. If a driver name is given, the operation executes the rmmod command to unload the driver. Users may specify additional parameters to pass to the rmmod command.

See the rmmod manpage for a description of the parameters rmmod can receive. rmmod must include the module name, even if it is identical to the <driver_name> given in the unloaddrv command.

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Known Issues

  1. An error message, "procfg: Unknown engine id, Unable to connect to host", is seen for every PROCfg command.

    Since PROCfg is a client-server application, the loopback interface in the system (lo) must be up, and it must contain an IP address. Configure the loopback interface up by entering:

        ifconfig lo <IP_address>
  2. Restoring a configuration destroys the current PROCfg system configuration.
    The restore operation might fail in the following cases:

    In order to overcome these situations either edit the configuration file and change the adapter names to match the system state and the adapter capabilities, or change the system state and/or its adapters in a way which will allow restoring the configuration.

  3. Restoring a configuration does not restore the machine's routing table. Therefore, when issuing a restore operation from a remote machine through a gateway defined on the "restored" machine, communication could stop.

    If you have local access to the managed machine, try rebuilding that machine's routing table.

  4. When running PROCfg commands in a script, some commands may fail because of timing issues (some commands take longer than script allows). As a workaround run the script again or insert pauses between the commands in the script.
  5. PROCfg does not warn the user when an unsupported base driver and/or ANS driver is installed on the system. If you are using PROCfg version 1.3.13 or later, ensure that you also have the supported Intel e100, e1000, and/or ANS driver versions as listed in the Prerequisites section of this document.

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For general information and support, check with Customer Support.

If an issue is identified with the released source code on the supported kernel with a supported adapter, email the specific information related to the issue to

Please read all restrictions and disclaimers.

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