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Red Hat Linux* Drivers: Intel® Network Adapters User Guide

This file describes the Intel PRO/1000 and PRO/100 drivers for Red Hat Linux* Advanced Server 2.1 operating system.

Intel provides Linux base drivers for both the Intel PRO/100 and PRO/1000 families of Adapters. For base driver features, installation, configuration, and command line parameter information, refer to:

If you are setting up teams or VLANs, refer to the instructions for Intel Advanced Network Services (iANS) in ans.htm.

Intel PRO LAN adapters and iANS for Red Hat Linux can be configured with either the Intel PROSet for Linux user interface or the Intel Linux LAN Adapters PROCfg command-line application. These utilities only work on Intel 32-bit architectures running Red Hat Linux.

Intel provides a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent extension for Linux systems that allows users to access information on the Intel PRO LAN adapters (10/100/1000) through the adapter drivers. It also provides information about advanced features through the iANS module.

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