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omconfig system assetinfo: Editing Cost of Ownership Values

Dell OpenManageâ„¢ Server Administrator Version 1.4 Command Line Interface User's Guide

bullet.gif (1107 bytes) omconfig System Asset Info Overview bullet.gif (1107 bytes) Adding Outsource Information
bullet.gif (1107 bytes) Adding Acquisition Information bullet.gif (1107 bytes) Adding Owner Information
bullet.gif (1107 bytes) Adding Depreciation Information bullet.gif (1107 bytes) Adding Service Contract Information
bullet.gif (1107 bytes) Adding Extended Warranty Information bullet.gif (1107 bytes) Adding Support Information
bullet.gif (1107 bytes) Adding Lease Information bullet.gif (1107 bytes) Adding System Information
bullet.gif (1107 bytes) Adding Maintenance Information bullet.gif (1107 bytes)

Adding Warranty Information

omconfig System Asset Info Overview

The omconfig system assetinfo command helps you to edit a comprehensive set of parameters that make up your system's total cost of ownership. This section explains the parameters that can be reported and configured under the omconfig system assetinfo command.

Using the omconfig system assetinfo command, you can set governing values for configurable objects. Examples of assetinfo configuration capabilities include setting values for system owner, purchase price, details of any lease that is in effect, depreciation methods and rates, and location of the system, warranty and extended warranty duration, outsourcing details, and service level agreement.

User Level Required for Adding Asset Information

Power Users and Administrators can add and edit asset information.

Adding Acquisition Information

Acquisition refers to the facts about a business entity's purchase or lease of a system. Use the omconfig system assetinfo info=acquisition command to add detailed information about the purchase or lease of a system. Table 8-1 shows the valid parameters for the command.

Table 8-1. omconfig system assetinfo info=acquisition 

Command level 1

Command level 2

Command level 3

Name=value pair 1

Name=value pair 2































The name or code for the business entity that acquired the system.





expensed=yes | no

Whether the system is charged to a specific purpose or department such as research and development or sales.






Date the system was put into service.






Number of the document that authorized payment for the system.






Price the owner paid for the system.






Date the owner purchased system.






Name of the person who approved the purchase or the service call on the system.






Receipt from the carrier for the goods received.

Example Commands for Adding Acquisition Information

To provide a value for an acquisition parameter, type a command of the form: omconfig system assetinfo info=acquisition <name=value pair 2>. For example, type:

omconfig system assetinfo info=acquisition purchasedate= 122101

The following message appears:

Asset information set successfully.

You can enter more than one omconfig system assetinfo command at the same time, as long as all of the parameters for name=value pair 2 belong to the same name=value pair 1. For example, if you want to enter more than one parameter value for info=acquisition, use the following example as a syntax guide:

omconfig system assetinfo info=acquisition purchasecost= 5000
waybill=123456 installdate=120501 purchasedate=050601 ponum=9999 signauth="John Smith" expensed=yes costcenter= finance

The following message appears:

Asset information set successfully.

Adding Depreciation Information

Depreciation is a set of methods for computing the devaluation of your asset over time. For example, the depreciation of a system that is expected to have a useful life of 5 years would be 20 percent. Use the omconfig system assetinfo=depreciation command to add details about how your system's depreciation is to be computed. Table 8-2 shows the valid parameters for the command.

Table 8-2. omconfig system assetinfo info=depreciation 

Command level 1

Command level 2

Command level 3

Name=value pair 1

Name=value pair 2































The length of time over which a system is depreciated. Enter the number of months or years.






Steps and assumptions used to compute the system's depreciation.






Portion of 100 that an asset is devalued or depreciated.





unit=months | years

Unit is months or years.

Example Commands for Adding Depreciation Information

To provide a value for a depreciation parameter, type a command of the form: omconfig system assetinfo info=depreciation <name=value pair 2>. For example, type:

omconfig system assetinfo info=depreciation method= straightline

The following message appears:

Asset information set successfully.

You can enter more than one omconfig system assetinfo command at the same time, as long as all of the parameters for name=value pair 2 belong to the same name=value pair 1. For an example, see "Example Commands for Adding Acquisition Information."

Adding Extended Warranty Information

Use the omconfig system extwarranty command to assign values for extended warranty information. A warranty is a contract between the manufacturer or dealer and the purchaser of a system. The warranty identifies the components that are covered for repair or replacement for a specified length of time or usage. The extended warranty comes into force after the original warranty expires. For details on how to edit warranty values, see "Adding Warranty Information."

Table 8-3 shows the valid parameters for the command.

Table 8-3. omconfig system assetinfo info=extwarranty 

Command level 1

Command level 2

Command level 3

Name=value pair 1

Name=value pair 2































Cost of the extended warranty service.






Date the extended warranty agreement ends.






Business entity that provides the extended warranty service.






Date the extended warranty service begins.

Example Command for Adding Extended Warranty Information

To provide a value for an extended warranty parameter, type a command of the form: omconfig system assetinfo info=extwarranty <name=value pair 2>. For example, type:

omconfig system assetinfo info=extwarranty enddate=012503

The following message appears:

Asset information set successfully.

You can enter more than one omconfig system assetinfo command at the same time, as long as all of the parameters for name=value pair 2 belong to the same name=value pair 1. For an example, see "Example Commands for Adding Acquisition Information."

Adding Lease Information

A lease is an agreement to pay for the use of a system for a specified period of time. The lessor retains ownership of the system. Table 8-4 shows the valid parameters for the command.

Table 8-4. omconfig system assetinfo info=lease 

Command level 1

Command level 2

Command level 3

Name=value pair 1

Name=value pair 2































Amount of money paid to purchase a system from a lessor.






Business entity that is leasing the system out.





multischedule=true | false

Whether cost of leasing the system is computed by more than one rate schedule.






Factor used to calculate the lease payment.






Fair market value of the system at the end of the lease period.

Example Command for Adding Lease Information

To provide a value for a lease parameter, type a command of the form: omconfig system assetinfo info=lease <name=value pair 2>. For example, type:

omconfig system assetinfo info=lease value=4500

The following message appears:

Asset information set successfully.

You can enter more than one omconfig system assetinfo command at the same time, as long as all of the parameters for name=value pair 2 belong to the same name=value pair 1. For an example, see "Example Commands for Adding Acquisition Information."

Adding Maintenance Information

Maintenance refers to activities required to keep the system in good working order. Table 8-5 shows the valid parameters for adding maintenance information.

Table 8-5. omconfig system assetinfo info=maintenance 

Command level 1

Command level 2

Command level 3

Name=value pair 1

Name=value pair 2































Date the extended warranty agreement ends.






Business entity providing the maintenance service.






Date the maintenance begins.






Activities not covered by the maintenance contract.

Example Command for Adding Maintenance Information

To provide a value for a maintenance parameter, type a command of the form: omconfig system assetinfo info=maintenance <name=value pair 2>. For example, type:

omconfig system assetinfo info=maintenance startdate=012504

The following message appears:

Asset information set successfully.

You can enter more than one omconfig system assetinfo command at the same time, as long as all of the parameters for name=value pair 2 belong to the same name=value pair 1. For an example, see "Example Commands for Adding Acquisition Information."

Adding Outsource Information

Outsourcing is the practice of contracting with another business to maintain the system in good working order. Table 8-6 shows the valid parameters for adding outsource information.

Table 8-6. omconfig system assetinfo info=outsource 

Command level 1

Command level 2

Command level 3

Name=value pair 1

Name=value pair 2































Levels of service offered by the provider.






System component that requires maintenance.






Amount of money charged for maintenance.






Amount of money charged for service.






Person who signed or authorized the service.

Example Command for Adding Outsource Information

To provide a value for an outsource parameter, type a command of the form: omconfig system assetinfo info=outsource <name=value pair 2>. For example, type:

omconfig system assetinfo info=outsource providerfee=75

The following message appears:

Asset information set successfully.

You can enter more than one omconfig system assetinfo command at the same time, as long as all of the parameters for name=value pair 2 belong to the same name=value pair 1. For an example, see "Example Commands for Adding Acquisition Information."

Adding Owner Information

The owner is the party that holds legal property title to the system. Table 8-7 shows the valid parameters for adding owner information.

Table 8-7. omconfig system assetinfo info=owner 

Command level 1

Command level 2

Command level 3

Name=value pair 1

Name=value pair 2































Name of the insurance company that insures the system.






Business entity that owns the system.





type=owned | leased | rented

Whether the user of the system owns, leases, or rents the system.

Example Command for Adding Owner Information

To provide a value for an owner parameter, type a command of the form: omconfig system assetinfo info=owner <name=value pair 2>. For example, type:

omconfig system assetinfo info=owner type=rented

The following message appears:

Asset information set successfully.

You can enter more than one omconfig system assetinfo command at the same time, as long as all of the parameters for name=value pair 2 belong to the same name=value pair 1. For an example, see "Example Commands for Adding Acquisition Information."

Adding Service Contract Information

A service contract is an agreement that specifies fees for preventive maintenance and repair of the system. Table 8-8 shows the valid parameters for adding contract information.

Table 8-8. omconfig system assetinfo info=service 

Command level 1

Command level 2

Command level 3

Name=value pair 1

Name=value pair 2






























renewed=true | false

Whether the service agreement has been renewed.






Type of service covered by the contract.






Business entity that offers service on the system.

Example Command for Adding Service Information

To provide a value for a service parameter, type a command of the form: omconfig system assetinfo info=service <name=value pair 2>. For example, type:

omconfig system assetinfo info=service vendor=fixsystemco

The following message appears:

Asset information set successfully.

You can enter more than one omconfig system assetinfo command at the same time, as long as all of the parameters for name=value pair 2 belong to the same name=value pair 1. For an example, see "Example Commands for Adding Acquisition Information."

Adding Support Information

Support refers to technical assistance that the system user can seek when the user desires guidance on the proper use of a system to perform tasks. Table 8-9 shows the valid parameters for adding support information.

Table 8-9. omconfig system assetinfo info=support 

Command level 1

Command level 2

Command level 3

Name=value pair 1

Name=value pair 2































Name of any application used to fix a problem automatically.






The help desk name or contact information such as a phone number, e-mail address, or web site address.





outsourced=true | false

Whether an external business entity provides technical support or the system owner's employees provide technical support.





type=network | storage

Whether support is for network attached devices or for storage devices.

Example Command for Adding Support Information

To provide a value for a support parameter, type a command of the form: omconfig system assetinfo info=support <name=value pair 2>. For example, type:

omconfig system assetinfo info=support outsourced=true

The following message appears:

Asset information set successfully.

You can enter more than one omconfig system assetinfo command at the same time, as long as all of the parameters for name=value pair 2 belong to the same name=value pair 1. For an example, see "Example Commands for Adding Acquisition Information."

Adding System Information

System information includes the primary user of the system, the phone number for the primary user, and the system location. Table 8-10 shows the valid parameters for adding system information.

Table 8-10. omconfig system assetinfo info=system 

Command level 1

Command level 2

Command level 3

Name=value pair 1

Name=value pair 2





































Location of the system.






Phone number of the system's primary user.






Primary user of the system.

Example Command for Adding System Information

To provide a value for a system parameter, type a command of the form: omconfig system assetinfo info=system <name=value pair 2>. For example, type:

omconfig system assetinfo info=system location=firstfloor

The following message appears:

Asset information set successfully.

You can enter more than one omconfig system assetinfo command at the same time, as long as all of the parameters for name=value pair 2 belong to the same name=value pair 1. For an example, see "Example Commands for Adding Acquisition Information."

Adding Warranty Information

Use the omconfig system warranty command to assign values for warranty information. A warranty is a contract between the manufacturer or dealer and the purchaser of a system. The warranty identifies the components that are covered for repair or replacement for a specified length of time or usage. For details on how to edit extended warranty values, see "Adding Extended Warranty Information." Table 8-11 shows the valid parameters for adding warranty information.

Table 8-11. omconfig system assetinfo info=warranty 

Command level 1

Command level 2

Command level 3

Name=value pair 1

Name=value pair 2































Cost of the warranty service.






Number of days or months that the warranty is in force.






Date the warranty agreement ends.





unit=days | months

Whether the number for duration refers to days or months.

Example Command for Adding Warranty Information

To provide a value for a warranty parameter, type a command of the form: omconfig system assetinfo info=warranty <name=value pair 2>. For example, type:

omconfig system assetinfo info=warranty unit=days

The following message appears:

Asset information set successfully.

You can enter more than one omconfig system assetinfo command at the same time, as long as all of the parameters for name=value pair 2 belong to the same name=value pair 1. For an example, see "Example Commands for Adding Acquisition Information."

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