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Dell OpenManage™ Server Administrator Version 1.4
Command Line Interface User's Guide
Conventions for Parameter Tables
omreport storage Command Summary
omreport storage Commands
Use the omreport storage command to view information about enclosures, volumes, arrays, and disks that are part of your storage system.
When listing the parameters that a command can take, the parameters are listed in alphabetical order instead of the order in which they appear in the command line interface.
The symbol |, often called pipe, is the logical exclusive or operator. For example, enable | disable means that you can enable or disable the component or feature, but you cannot simultaneously enable and disable the component or feature.
NOTE: Although this section lists all possible omreport storage commands, the
commands available on your system depend on your system configuration. The results
that display for the omreport storage command vary from one system to another. Data
displays for installed components only.
Table 5-1 is a high-level summary of the omreport storage command. The column titled "Command level 1" shows the omreport command at its most general. "Command level 2" shows the major objects or components that you can view using omreport storage. "Command level 3" lists the specific storage objects and components for which you can view reports. "User privilege required" refers to the type of privilege you need to perform the command, where U=User, P=Power User, and A=Administrator. "Use" is a very general statement about the actions that can be performed using omreport storage. More details about syntax and use of the command appear later in this section.
Table 5-1. omreport storage Command Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3
When you type:
omreport storage
Server Administrator displays a general status for storage components.
NOTE: As with all output shown in this guide, the following output is an example and
may vary depending on your system configuration.
| :
| :
| Array Subsystems
| :
| OS Disks
| :
| Volumes
Use the omreport storage arraydisks controller=ID command (where ID is the ID number for the controller that controls the disks in the array) to view information for all enclosures and disks attached to a specific RAID controller. For example, if the controller's ID is "447244640307," enter the following command to see all enclosures and disks attached to that controller:
omreport storage arraydisks controller=47244640307
The report includes the following information for each enclosure in the array:
- ID — Assigned ID number for the enclosure.
- Status — Status of the enclosure.
- Name — Name of the enclosure.
- Application Version — Version of firmware installed on the enclosure.
- Product ID — Vendor-assigned ID for the enclosure.
- Asset Tag — A label that specifies either manufacturer's information or, in the case of a customer-specified asset tag, customer's information (such as inventory number, serial number, and so on).
- Service Tag — An alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a storage device.
The report includes the following information for each physical disk in the array:
- Status — Status of the disk.
- Name — Name of the array disk. If more than one array disk comprises a virtual disk, the name may include the number of the array disk, for example, ArrayDisk0:0, ArrayDisk0:1 means the first and second array disks on virtual disk 0.
- State — Current state of the array disk.
- Type — Type of disk, such as SCSI. Also indicates the port ID and LUN for the disk.
- Product ID — Vendor-assigned ID for the physical disk.
- Rev — Revision number of the firmware on the array disk.
- Vendor — Manufacturer of the disk.
- Capacity — Amount of total storage space on the physical disk.
- Unallocated Space — Amount of usable storage space that is available.
If you want to see all disks that comprise a virtual disk, use the virtual disk ID in the command. For example, to see all disks that make up a virtual disk with the ID of "47244640361," type the following command:
omreport storage arraydisks vdisk=47244640361
NOTE: You can find virtual disk and controller IDs by running the omreport storage
arrays command, which shows the properties for all of the controllers in the system.
Use the omreport storage arrays command to view detailed information about the disk controller and the storage subsystems attached to the controller. The following information is provided about the controller:
- ID — Assigned ID number for the controller.
- Name — Name of the controller.
- State — Current state of the controller.
- Firmware Version— Version of firmware installed on the controller.
For each controller, you can view the following information about the virtual disks controlled by the controller:
- ID — Assigned ID number for the virtual disk.
- Status — Status of the virtual disk.
- Name — Name of the virtual disk.
- State — Current state of the virtual disk.
- Read Cache — Read policies indicate whether or not the controller should read sequential sectors of the logical drive when seeking data. The read policies are as follows:
- Read-Ahead — When using read-ahead policy, the controller reads sequential sectors of the logical drive when seeking data. Read-ahead policy may improve system performance if the data is actually written to sequential sectors of the logical drive.
- No-Read-Ahead — Selecting no-read-ahead policy indicates that the controller should not use read-ahead policy.
- Adaptive Read-Ahead — When using adaptive read-ahead policy, the controller initiates read-ahead only if the two most recent read requests accessed sequential sectors of the disk. If subsequent read requests access random sectors of the disk, the controller reverts to no-read-ahead policy. The controller continues to evaluate whether read requests are accessing sequential sectors of the disk, and can initiate read-ahead if necessary.
- Write Cache — Write policies specify whether the controller sends a write-request completion signal as soon as the data is in the cache or after it has been written to disk. The write policies are as follows:
- Write-Back Caching — When using write-back caching, the controller sends a write-request completion signal as soon as the data is in the controller cache but has not yet been written to disk. Write-back caching may provide improved performance since subsequent read requests can more quickly retrieve data from the controller cache than they could from the disk. Write-back caching also entails a data security risk, however, since a system failure could prevent the data from being written to disk even though the controller has sent a write-request completion signal. In this case, data may be lost. Other applications may also experience problems when taking actions that assume the data is available on the disk.
- Write-Through Caching — When using write-through caching, the controller sends a write-request completion signal only after the data is written to the disk. Write-through caching provides better data security than write-back caching, since the system assumes the data is available only after it has been safely written to the disk.
- Cache Policy — Indicates whether read cache, write cache, or both are enabled for a specific disk.
The direct I/O and cache I/O cache policies apply to reads on a specific logical drive. These settings do not affect the read-ahead policy. The cache I/O and direct I/O cache policies are as follows:
- Cache I/O — Specifies that all reads are buffered in cache memory.
- Direct I/O (default) — Specifies that reads are not buffered in cache memory. When using direct I/O, data is transferred to the controller cache and the host system simultaneously during a read request. If a subsequent read request requires data from the same data block, it can be read directly from the controller cache. The direct I/O setting does not override the cache policy settings.
- Layout — RAID level for the array. See your Array Manager documentation for more information about RAID levels.
- Size — Amount of storage on the disk in GB.
Use the omreport storage enclosureinfo enclosure=ID command (where ID is the ID number for the enclosure) to view information about a single enclosure. For example, if the enclosure's ID is "447244640512," enter the following command to see detailed information for that enclosure:
omreport storage enclosureinfo enclosure=47244640512
NOTE: You can find an enclosure ID by running the omreport storage enclosures
command, which shows the properties for all of the enclosures in the system.
The following information displays for the enclosure:
- Fans
- Status — Status of the fan.
- Name — Name of the fan.
- State — Current state of the fan.
- Speed — Speed at which the fan is running.
- Temperature Probes
- Status — Status of the temperature probes.
- State — State of the temperature probes.
- Reading — Actual temperature measured by a particular probe. Readings are always a snapshot of a device's measurements at a point in time.
- Minimum Warning Threshold — Minimum temperature, expressed in degrees, that will activate an alarm.
- Maximum Warning Threshold — Maximum temperature, expressed in degrees, that will activate an alarm.
- Minimum Failure Threshold — Minimum temperature, expressed in degrees, that will cause the enclosure to fail.
- Maximum Failure Threshold — Maximum temperature, expressed in degrees, that will cause the enclosure to fail.
- Units — Measurement type of temperature, such as Celsius.
- Power Supplies
- Status — Status of the power supplies.
- Name — Name of the power supply, such as "Power Supply 1."
- State — Current state of the power supply.
Use the omreport storage enclosures command to view the enclosures that contain array disks for a particular controller. The following information displays for each enclosure on the controller:
- ID — Assigned ID number for the enclosure.
- Status — Status of the enclosure.
- Name — Name of the enclosure.
- Application Version — Version of firmware on the enclosure.
- Product ID — Identifying information for the storage enclosure, such as model and short description.
- Asset Tag — A label that specifies either manufacturer's information or, in the case of a customer-specified asset tag, customer's information (such as inventory number, serial number, and so on).
- Service Tag — An alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a storage device.
Use the omreport storage osdiskinfo osdisk=ID command (where ID is the ID number for the operating system disk) to view detailed information for the operating system disks. For example, if the operating system disk's ID is "447244640714," enter the following command to see the disks that comprise the operating system disk:
omreport storage osdiskinfo osdisk=447244640714
NOTE: You can find the ID by using the omreport storage osdisks command, which
provides information for all operating system disks.
The osdiskinfo command provides information, as applicable, about the volumes, virtual disks, and array disks that make up an operating system disk.
osdiskinfo provides the following information about the volumes that contain operating system disks:
- Status — Status of the volume.
- Label — Name of the volume.
- State — State of the volume.
- File System — File system for the volume, such as NTFS or FAT.
- Size — Total space on the volume in GB.
- Free Space — Space available for creating logical drives within an extended partition, in GB.
The osdiskinfo command provides the following information about the virtual disk(s) that comprise the operating system disk:
- Status — Status of the virtual disk.
- Name — Name of the virtual disk.
- State — Current state of the virtual disk.
- Read Cache — Read policies indicate whether or not the controller should read sequential sectors of the logical drive when seeking data. The read policies are as follows:
- Read-Ahead — When using read-ahead policy, the controller reads sequential sectors of the logical drive when seeking data. Read-ahead policy may improve system performance if the data is actually written to sequential sectors of the logical drive.
- No-Read-Ahead — Selecting no-read-ahead policy indicates that the controller should not use read-ahead policy.
- Adaptive Read-Ahead — When using adaptive read-ahead policy, the controller initiates read-ahead only if the two most recent read requests accessed sequential sectors of the disk. If subsequent read requests access random sectors of the disk, the controller reverts to no-read-ahead policy. The controller continues to evaluate whether read requests are accessing sequential sectors of the disk, and can initiate read-ahead if necessary.
- Write Cache — Write policies specify whether the controller sends a write-request completion signal as soon as the data is in the cache or after it has been written to disk. The write policies are as follows:
- Write-Back Caching — When using write-back caching, the controller sends a write-request completion signal as soon as the data is in the controller cache but has not yet been written to disk. Write-back caching may provide improved performance since subsequent read requests can more quickly retrieve data from the controller cache than they could from the disk. Write-back caching also entails a data security risk, however, since a system failure could prevent the data from being written to disk even though the controller has sent a write-request completion signal. In this case, data may be lost. Other applications may also experience problems when taking actions that assume the data is available on the disk.
- Write-Through Caching — When using write-through caching, the controller sends a write-request completion signal only after the data is written to the disk. Write-through caching provides better data security than write-back caching, since the system assumes the data is available only after it has been safely written to the disk.
- Cache Policy — Indicates whether the cache policy for privileges to read from and write to the disk cache is enabled or not.
The direct I/O and cache I/O cache policies apply to reads on a specific logical drive. These settings do not affect the read-ahead policy. The Cache I/O and Direct I/O cache policies are as follows:
- Cache I/O — Specifies that all reads are buffered in cache memory.
- Direct I/O (default) — Specifies that reads are not buffered in cache memory. When using direct I/O, data is transferred to the controller cache and the host system simultaneously during a read request. If a subsequent read request requires data from the same data block, it can be read directly from the controller cache. The direct I/O setting does not override the cache policy settings.
- Layout — RAID level on the virtual disk. See your Array Manager documentation for more information.
- Size — Amount of storage on the virtual disk in GB.
The omreport storage osdiskinfo command provides the following information about the physical array disks that comprise the operating system disk:
- Status — Status of the array disk.
- Label — Name of the array disk. If more than one array disk comprises a virtual disk, the name may include the number of the array disk, for example, ArrayDisk0:0, ArrayDisk0:1 means the first and second array disks that make ArrayDisk0.
- State — Current state of the array disk.
- Controller — Name of the RAID controller that controls the array disk.
Use the omreport storage osdisks command to view information about all of your operating system disks. The following information displays for each disk that contains operating system files:
- ID — Assigned ID number for the disk. You can use this number in conjunction with the omreport storage osdiskinfo command to view information about a specific operating system disk. See "omreport storage osdiskinfo" for more information.
- Status — Status of the operating system disk.
- Name — Name of the operating system disk.
- State — Current state of the operating system disk.
- Type — Type of disk, such as SCSI. Also indicates the port ID and LUN for the operating system disk.
- Vendor — Manufacturer of the disk.
- Unallocated Space — Amount of usable storage space that is available.
You can view operating system disk information for a volume by entering the volume ID as part of the parameter. For example:
omreport storage osdisks volume=60129542154
You obtain a volume's ID by running the omreport storage volumes command. See "omreport storage volumes" for more information.
Use the omreport storage volumes command to view information about the volumes on your storage system. The following information displays for each volume:
- ID — Assigned ID number for the volume. You can use this number in conjunction with the omreport storage osdisks command to view information about an operating system disk on a specific volume. See "omreport storage osdisks" for more information.
- Status — Status of the volume.
- Label — Name of the volume.
- State — Current state of the volume.
- File System — File system for the volume, such as NTFS or FAT.
- Size — Total space on the volume in GB.
- Free Space— Space available for creating logical drives within an extended partition, in GB.
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