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omhelp: Getting Help With CLI Commands

Dell OpenManageâ„¢ Server Administrator Version 1.4 Command Line Interface User's Guide

  Example Help Commands

The omhelp command and its equivalent, <command> -?, accesses the CLI's detailed help text interface. You can get help at several levels of detail.

Each fully qualified CLI command may have a variable number of distinct parts: the command (command level 1), one or more subcommands (command level 2 and command level 3, if present), and one or more name=value pair(s).

By appending -? (space-dash-question mark) to any command, you can get help on the command.

Example Help Commands

When you type omconfig -?, you get general help about the omconfig command. The help at this level lists the available subcommands for omconfig:

When you type omconfig system -?, CLI help lists all of the subcommands that are available for omconfig system:

Figure 2-1 shows the levels of help for a command.

Figure 2-1. Different Levels of Help for a Command

You can also parse the omconfig system assetinfo command as follows:

<command level 1 command level 2 command level 3> <name= value pair 1> [name=value pair 2]

where command levels 1, 2, and 3 are represented by omconfig system assetinfo, name=value pair 1 is represented by info=depreciation, and name=value pair 2 is represented by method=straightline.

To set your depreciation method to straight line, type:

omconfig system assetinfo info=depreciation method= straightline

The CLI responds with the following message:

Asset information set successfully.

When you type omconfig system assetinfo -?, the help that displays provides information about assigning values for the name and option fields. Partial results for the request omconfig system assetinfo -? are as follows:

assetinfo Set asset information.

For one info value, specify one or more optional parameter(s):

info=acquisition purchasecost=<num> waybill=<num> installdate=<mmddyy> purchasedate=<mmddyy> ponum=<num> signauth=<text> expensed=<yes|no> costcenter=<text> info= depreciation method=<text> duration=<num> percent= <percent> unit=<months|years|unknown>

You can get help for some commands that take name=value pairs, but not for all. For example, if you type:

omreport chassis fans index=0 -?

The result is:

fans               Fan probe(s) properties.

Valid parameters are:

index=<number>    Displays properties for a particular fan

If you type:

omreport chassis biossetup attribute=numlock -?

The result is:

biossetup          BIOS setup configuration.

In this case, adding the name=value pair to the help query does not produce information on a particular BIOS setup parameter.

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