- Panelist for for University Teaching Services, University of Manitoba. Participated in the panel about reflections of teaching/learning during the International Education Week. Topics: teaching/learning experiences in the international classroom. (Nov 2011)
- Panelist for for Women in Computer Science, University of Waterloo. Participated in the ``Experience in Industry'' Session. Topics: Industrial scholarships and internships, application process. (Feb 2011)
- Panelist for Latinas in Computing, Grace Hopper Celebration 2010. Participated in the Birds of a Feather Session "Minorities without Borders: Giving Back to Developing Countries". Topics: collaboration with and help the growth of technical communities in developing countries. (Oct 2010)
- Instructor for the course "Introduction to Programming" for the CEMC Seminar in Computer Science for Young Women, University of Waterloo. Lead the programming course for selected high school school female students from across Canada. (May 2010 and May 2009)
- Panelist for Women in Computer Scince, University of Waterloo. Participated in the Graduate panel, sponsored by CRA-W. Topics: life in graduate school, industry work, research topics, scholarships, internships and other opportunities. (May 2010)
- Panelist for Women in Engineering, University of Toronto. Participated in the "Diversity in Graduate School" CRA-W panel. Topics: graduate research and life, career opportunities, role models (underrepresented minorities). (Apr 2010)
- Panelist for Women in Computer Scince, University of Waterloo. Participated in the "Supervising Graduate Students" Information Session. Topics: styles of supervision, supervisor-student relationship, and handling problems with supervisor. (Dec 2008)
- Panelist for Women in Math, University of Waterloo. Participated in the "Grad School Diaries" Session for female undergraduate students in the Math department. Topics: graduate research, life and opportunities. (Jan 2008)
- Mentor in the Women in Math program, University of Waterloo. Guided and encouraged first-year female undergrad students in different Mathematics disciplines. (Jan-Apr 2007)
- Student volunteer at the 5th and 7th Annual Graduate Student Research Conference, University of Waterloo. Acted as audio-visual helper during the conference. (Apr 2007 and Apr 2005)
- Student volunteer at the 14th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, Minneapolis, USA. Acted as audio-visual helper during the conference. (Sep 2006)
- Panelist in the Women in Math Day, University of Waterloo. Lead one of the "Grad student research panel" Session. Gave a talk about graduate research and life for high school female students interested to pursue a career in Math. Topics: graduate research and life, career opportunities, role models (Mar 2005)
- Instructor for the session "Parallel Computing: Sorting" in the Imperial Oil Seminars in Computer Science for Young Women, University of Waterloo. Created material and guided junior high school students from all over Canada on activities to understand sequential and parallel sorting algorithms. (May 2004 and Jul 2004)
- Volunteer for the course "Introduction to Programming" for the Imperial Oil Seminar in Computer Science for Young Women, University of Waterloo. Assisted during the sessions, explaining basic concepts of programming. (May 2003 and Jul 2003)