Seminars and Talks
- Detection of Feature Interactions in Automotive Active Safety Systems, presented at the University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Canada. April, 2012. (Doctoral defence presentation)
- Detecting and Representing the Complete set of Counterexamples to an Invariant for an EFSM, presented at the University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Canada. April, 2011. (Watform/PhD Seminar Talk)
- Automatic Detection of Feature Interactions in the Automotive Domain, presented at the University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Canada. December, 2010. (Invited Talk)
- Overview of the Counterexample Explosion Problem, presented at Critical Systems Labs Inc. Vancouver, Canada. June, 2009. (Invited Talk)
- Modelling for Feature Interaction Detection in the Automotive Domain, presented at the University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada. June, 2009. (Invited Talk)
- mdl2smv: A Tool for Translating Automotive Feature Models in Matlab's Stateflow to SMV, presented at the University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Canada. October, 2008. (Watform/PhD Seminar Talk)
- Feature Interaction Detection in the Automotive Domain, presented at the Doctoral Symposium as part of ASE 2008. L'Aquila, Italy. September, 2008. (Doctoral Symposium Talk)
- Feature Interaction as a Source of Risk in Complex Software-Intensive Systems, presented for the group developing a proposed ISO standard 26262 for Functional Safety of Electronic Control Systems in Road Vehicles. Vancouver, Canada. August, 2008. (Invited Talk)
- Translating Models of Automotive Features In MATLAB's Stateflow to SMV to Detect Feature Interactions, presented at the 26th ISSC. Vancouver, Canada. August, 2008. (Conference Talk)
- Modelling Feature Interactions in the Automotive Domain, presented at the MiSE 2008 Workshop. Leipzig, Germany. May, 2008. (Workshop Talk)
- Modelling Feature Interactions in the Automotive Domain (long version), presented at the University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Canada. April, 2008. (Watform/PhD Seminar Talk)
- Tool Support and Methodology for Feature Interaction Detection, presented at General Motors Research and Development. Warren, USA. February, 2008. (Invited Talk)
- A Compositional Reasoning Method for the Verification of Port-based Distributed Systems, presented at the University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada. August, 2007. (Invited Talk)
- Feature Interaction as a Source of Risk in Complex Software-intensive Systems, presented at the ISSC 2007. Baltimore, USA. August, 2007. (Conference Talk)
- Tool Assisted Feature Interaction Detection for Automotive Features, presented at General Motors Research and Development. Warren, USA. January, 2007. (Invited Talk)
- Compositional Reasoning Methods, presented at the University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Canada. March, 2006 (Invited Lecturer ECE-725/CS-745) Download(PDF)
- Verification of DFC Port Protocol Correctness Criteria, presented at the University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Canada. May, 2005. (Master's thesis presentation)
- Feature Interaction in Electronic Mail, presented at the University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Canada. November, 2003. (Watform Seminar)
- Parallel Architectural Skeletons - PAS, presented at the University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Canada. July, 2003. (CS854 Talk)
- Design Patterns and Distributed Process - DPnDP, presented at the University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Canada. June, 2003. (CS854 Talk)
- Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation, presented at the University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Canada. April, 2003. (CS846 Talk)
- Conformance Checking for Models of Asynchronous Message Passing Software, presented at the University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Canada. February, 2003. (CS846 Talk)
- Verifying the Heating System Using MOCHA, presented at the University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Canada. December, 2002. (CS745 Talk)
- Patterns in Property Specifications for Finite-State Verification, presented at the University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Canada. October, 2002. (CS745 Talk)