CS 486/686 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence


For CS 686 students, the project is

For CS 486 students, the project is

Project Scope

In this project, you can choose from one of several report types below. For all report types, you must first identify a problem that you want to address and survey 8-10 papers in the literature that tackle this problem. Afterwards, you can choose to


The project is graded out of 100%. To encourage you keep on track, the project consists of three deliverables.

You must submit all the deliverables to have a non-zero grade for your project.

Milestone Report
Final Report

Many of the AI conferences and journals post their proceedings online so that they are accessible for everyone (and the few that do not will be accessible if you are on campus or using the library proxy).

Some resources that you might find useful include

This list is far from complete and there are many other relevant conferences and journals that you can consult.


If you have any questions, or are stuck for a project idea then please contact the instructor and the TAs. We are more than happy to chat about research ideas.