Well this is my fabulous new topic.

How banal. Here's a paper:

-- MikeGodfrey migod@uwaterloo.ca - 17 Oct 2007

alternate namerestrictions
hostnamenamemust be a valid host name not belonging to an existing host
must be a valid MAC address
must not belong to an existing host
owning unit
contact multiple userids should be separated by _ or ;
admin multiple userids should be separated by _ or ;
workgroup must be a valid DHCP workgroup for the zone to which the host belongs
ttl must be an integer no smaller than 300
txt multiple values should be separated by ;

If you want to renumber several hosts (e.g. moving hosts en masse between subnets), please submit a request to hostmaster; do not make any assumptions about the resulting addresses assigned by the system. Moving hosts between zones can only be done by users with hostmaster privileges, though less privileged users can renumber a host within a zone or delete an existing host and re-create it in the appropriate zone.

If you are hostmaster and want to move several hosts from one IP range to another, use Batch Host Move from the Admin screen. The option to attempt to retain the last octet should be enabled for most moves.

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PDFpdf 01510128.pdf r1 manage 275.8 K 2007-10-17 - 13:36 MikeGodfrey A testable paper
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