ARD - client configuration

This TWiki area is being used for note gathering for Stephen Nickerson (snickers) and not meant for general use. When information is ready for the masses, it will be placed in a more appropriate TWiki location.

If ARD isn't allowed by a client machine, there is configuration to check, as well as checking for the server running on the client.

System Preferences

ARD can be enabled either via the "Sharing" option in the "System Preferences.". Enable both of "Remote Login" and "Remote Management", and then make sure these options are only available to CSCF's admin account on the machine.

Command Line

If not at the machine, use `ssh` to access the CSCF administrator account.

To view the settings for Screen Sharing, run the following command.

defaults read /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

If the "Disabled" property is set to '1', then type the following command to "enable" screen sharing.

sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ Disabled '0'

Once screen sharing is enabled, the screen sharing service will require a restart. The following command restarts the screen sharing service.

sudo launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

-- StephenNickerson - 2014-07-16

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Topic revision: r2 - 2014-07-16 - StephenNickerson
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