
  1. Created an account on with "sudo adduser oat-test". Installed an ssh key for myself. Probably want to be in the sudoers file (edit with visudo).
  2. Set up the custom Play server (it has a minor addition to check for secure connections; working on a pull request to the Play project)
    1. git clone Play20
    2. cd Play20/framework
    3. git checkout add-https-to-requestheader
    4. ./build (after it resolves a bunch of libraries and gives a prompt...)
      1. > compile (it will probably crap out with an out-of-memory error; just ./build and compile again)
      2. > publish-local
    5. Add Play20 to the PATH variable.
  3. Set up the OAT web app
    1. git clone oat
    2. cd oat
    3. checkout the correct git branch "git checkout dev"
    4. copy conf/local.conf from someplace; set the callback param to (rather than advising; don't want CAS to redirect to the production server)


  1. cd oat
  2. ./pstage
  3. run

-- ByronWeberBecker - 2013-08-01

Topic revision: r1 - 2013-08-01 - ByronWeberBecker
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