Scheduling Tips

Useful information for using the Room Request Form.

  • Scheduling has CS listed as preferring MC and DC so if the room only has a building preference it doesn't need to be listed.
  • Any course that requires a data projector should be included on this list.
  • If a professor has allergies or a medical reason for needing something note that on the sheet and scheduling will make sure that happens.
  • The sheet can be sent to anyone in the scheduling office.

Useful information for Grad Scheduling.

  • When rolling over information from previous terms set any listed Date/Times to TBA. This will prevent scheduling from placing the courses into a room during room run.
  • All topics can only be a maximum of 30 characters including spaces and punctuation.
  • Make sure to keep both scheduling and the Graduate Studies Administrative Coordinator up to date with the Date and Times for grad courses as the professors select them.
  • Try to avoid having more than two grad courses scheduled at any particular time.

Useful information for requesting Homerooms.

  • It is helpful to tell scheduling how many half or shared rooms we need.
  • Ask to share any rooms with Math since their courses typically run M/W/F and ours run T/Th. Sharing with Math typically works out well for both sides.
  • Don't forget to request one 66 cap room for tutorials. This room can be used for some 4th year courses once the tutorials are set.
  • If Chrysanne is teaching a large 100 course request MC 2054 since the room is set up perfectly for her chair and has everything she needs to teach comfortably.

Useful information for Creating a Schedule.

  • Always try to fill standard slots. These include: 1 hour M/W/F, 1.5 hours T/Th, and occasionally 1.5 hours M/W. The best way to make a M/W course work is when it is a 4th year course and you can schedule tutorials in the F slots that are empty.
  • Avoid conflicts. These include the standard suggested Course Sequences as well as the list on the main CS Uops Internal Page.
  • Watch that tutorials and labs don't cause conflicts with other classes as well.
  • Do not touch the M-sections, Minor courses, or Service Courses as these times have been arranged with a various departments and will cause problems if moved. Also avoid moving shared courses unless absolutely necessary.

Useful information for dealing with M-sections.

  • Ensure that all m-section courses are either reserved only for 1st year Math or have instructor consent on them when enrollment appointments begin.
  • For courses that non-1A Math students also need access to (CS 125, CS 115, etc..) set a section or two aside for shared courses and make half the section an M-section and allow the remaining space to be open for non-1A Math students. This will help take pressure off the advisors but also keep the M-sections spaces safe and prevent the courses from over filling.
  • Remember that courses with Labs are the ones that need to be monitored the closest since tutorials can be increased but labs often can not.

-- CarolineKierstead - 22 Jun 2007

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Topic revision: r2 - 2007-06-22 - AlicePfeiferHanov
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