Marmoset Requirements For Winter 2008

Set up build server with helpful path

The current buildserver is running with default paths from the cron job. The default path uses /bin first which is not helpful.

Issues for build server

  • the command "which" is only available with proper .cshrc read from the HOME environment so it typically does not work properly for those user that are running bash or running bash testscript while the user runs csh/tcsh. (Should be fixed with RST's new-which command).

Tasks needed to be done

  • Copy RST's new-which that uses type (need to look up if it is a fixed program or shell command) to look up command.
  • Create build server cron checking script that shows the path of the cron job to help address path issues.
  • Set the path properly when the build server is checked to ensure the build server is up and running. If the server is not running, make sure the cron job restart the server and set up the proper path.
  • Set up cron job that runs the daemon that sends message back to the submit server.
  • Setup the command line submit tool. The tool is available at (~cs241/software/CommandLineSubmit). This tool requires using marmoset's SSL certificate to connect to the submit server.
  • Ensure logs are archived (gzip) because they take a lot of space.
  • Ensure logs on apache tomcat's directory is archived by gzipping and marmoset's subdirectory log is also archived.
  • Look at cwrapper and the other wrapper written for testing to make sure they can be access.
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Topic revision: r2 - 2007-10-25 - JasonChong
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