Remark Requests Script (

A script that collects the remark requests for an assignment and generates the corresponding CSV file including all the information needed to deal with the remark requests.

How to Use

  1. ssh Log in to your student account
  2. ssh Go to the course account
  3. cd ~/remarkRequests Go to the directory the script is saved
  4. ./ ASSIGN Run the script, ASSIGN is the assignment you want to collect the remark requests (e.g. a01)

Once the script finishes running, it will email the CSV file to the course account and you can start to deal with the remark requests for the assignment.

Note that is a bash wrapper script around the Python script The Python script does most of the work. The bash script handles the task of emailing the finished remark request CSV file to the course account. If you need to make changes to the script, edit in vim. The code is documented.

-- Yuying Li - 2020-12-22

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Topic revision: r2 - 2020-12-22 - KurtDietrich
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