---++ Name moss_makereadable — Format the raw output of moss into something more readable, and also perform optional filtering <div title="Synopsis"> ---++ Synopsis =moss_makereadable= { <em> =file= </em> | <em> =url= </em> } [ <em> =min_percent1= </em> [ <em> =min_percent2= </em> ] ] </div> <div title="Usage"> ---++ Usage The required first parameter is either a file on the local filesystem or, more likely, a URL such as the one specified on the last line of output from runMoss. The next two optional parameters specify the minimum percentages students must match not to be filtered. </div> <div title="Description"> ---++ Description Unfortunately, the output of runMoss is a webpage of full paths to directories named according to student number, which is not easily human-readable. Also, there may be a large amount of information that is not really relevant and could be removed from consideration entirely. Information is read from the file or URL specified. The paths embedded in the HTML are translated back into userids via reverse lookups in the classlists and a tag is added to indicate whether zero, one, or two of the students in the pair are enrolled in the current term according to the classlist file. Filtering based on the percent matched is possible via two optional parameters. If one is specified, then only those pairs where one student matches at least that percent are kept. If two are specified, then one student must match at least <em> =minpercent1= </em> percent and the other student must match at least <em> =minpercent2= </em> percent. After this, the program dumps the contents of a new HTML page to standard output. The end user will likely want to redirect this into an appropriate file. </div>
This topic: ISG
Topic revision: r1 - 2016-01-11 - YiLee
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