We have a shared Google Calendar that we use to book the HCI Lab Meeting room (and a separate shared calendar for the study room in the Graphics Lab). Talk to JeffAvery to gain access to the calendar.

To book participants into the room for a study, consider a service called YouCanBook.me, which allows people to view and book events online (with very specific constraints). In this case, you can setup the date range that you want for your study, tie it directly to the shared calendar, and include a URL in your invitation. Participants can click on the URL to see a web form with available timeslots. If they pick a timeslot, it automatically adds the event to the calendar (i.e. books the room) and sends you an email. Jeff, Jim and Ben have all used this service and can help set it up.

-- JeffAvery - 2013-07-10

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Topic revision: r2 - 2013-07-11 - JeffAvery
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