Shubhankar Mohapatra

  • PhD Student, University of Waterloo

I’m a PhD Student in the DSG lab at the Cheriton School of Computer Science supervised by Prof. Xi He. I am also a Vector Institute graduate student and part of The Salon led by Prof. Gautam Kamath. My research interests lie in privacy-preserving learning algorithms with a focus on differential privacy, generative AI and private data cleaning.

I have completed a research internship at Sony AI in the PPML team supervised by Vikash Sehwag working on private diffusion models. I earned my MMath degree from UWaterloo supervised by Prof. Helen Chen and Prof. Xi He by working on private health data and federated learning. I was opportune to spend four beautiful years at IIIT Bhubaneswar where I worked with Prof. Anjali Mohapatra on Genetic Clustering Algorithms in Bioinformatics.

When I’m not pondering on a piece of code to complete my project, you could find me sweating it out in a game of basketball, spending hours on board games or simply hanging out with my friends. Exploring novel concepts excites me the most. Going to new places and meeting new people keeps me going but at the end of the day, I’d rather come back to sipping my cup of masala tea with my younger brother at home. My Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI) is ENFJ [Extraverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging].

Interests. Differential Privacy, Generative AI, Data Cleaning, Databases


