CS885 Winter 2025 - Reinforcement Learning
40% of final grade
To be done individually
To search for papers on a topic, use Google scholar . Most papers available on the web can be found via Google scholar. Furthermore, most links in Google scholar are free. As a student you should never have to pay to download a paper. If Google scholar does not provide a free link, you should be able to access the paper freely via the University's internet or the University's library website.
Option A (Literature survey):
Pick a problem that interests you
Search the literature for reinforcement learning approaches to tackle this problem
Survey and discuss the relative strengths of each approach
If you'd like to see examples of survey papers in AI, have a look at the IJCAI-2021 survey track
Option B (Empirical evaluation):
Pick a problem that interests you.
Implement and experiment with several reinforcement learning techniques to tackle this problem.
Option C (Algorithm design):
Identify a problem for which there are no satisfying approaches.
Develop a new reinforcement learning technique to tackle this problem.
Analyze theoretically and/or empirically the performance of your technique.
Option D (Dataset/Simulator/Benchmark design):
Identify a problem for which there is a lack of datasets, simulators or benchmarks to evaluate reinforcement learning algorithm.
Collect a dataset, design a new simulator or design a new benchmark to evaluate reinforcement learning algorithms.
Demonstrate how some baseline reinforcement learning algorithms perform with your dataset, simulator or environment.
If you'd like to see examples of papers describing datasets, simulators or benchmarks, have a look at the NeurIPS-2021 datasets and benchmarks track
Option E (Theoretical analysis):
Identify a problem or reinforcement learning technique for which the properties (e.g., complexity, performance) are not well understood.
Analyze the properties of this problem or technique.
Proposal (no mark)
Submit electronically via LEARN by February 24 (11:59 pm)
At most one page (excluding references)
Use the JMLR format: https://www.jmlr.org/format/format.html
Which option did you pick?
Option A (Literature survey):
What is the problem?
Cite 8 to 12 papers that you plan to survey.
Option B (Empirical evaluation):
What is the problem?
What reinforcement learning techniques do you plan to experiment with?
Cite 4 to 8 related papers that you plan to review.
Option C (Algorithm design):
What is the problem?
Why are there no satisfying approaches?
What is the intuition behind the new reinforcement learning technique that you plan to develop?
Cite 4 to 8 related papers that you plan to review.
Option D (Dataset/Simulator/Benchmark design):
What is the reinforcement learning problem for which there is a lack of datasets, simulators or benchmarks?
What dataset, simulator or benchmark do you plan to design?
Cite 4 to 8 related papers that you plan to review.
Option E (Theoretical analysis):
What is the reinforcement learning problem or technique that you plan to analyze?
What properties would you like to analyze/prove about this problem or technique?
Cite 4 to 8 related papers that you plan to review.
Report (40% of final grade)
At most 8 pages (excluding references)
Use the JMLR format: https://www.jmlr.org/format/format.html
Explain the big picture and any necessary detail
Submit electronically via LEARN by April 17 (11:59 pm)
Suggested Structure for the Report
Option A (Literature survey):
What is the problem?
Why is it an important problem?
Summarize the range of techniques by highlighting their strengths and weaknesses (i.e., the 8-12 papers that you read)
Tip: this summary should not be a laundry list of techniques with an independent paragraph for each technique
Suggestion: organize your summary based on desirable properties of the techniques
What is the state of the art?
Any open problem?
What have you learned?
What future research do you recommend?
Option B (Empirical evaluation):
What is the problem?
Why is it an important problem?
Techniques to tackle the problem
Brief review of previous work concerning this problem (i.e., the 4-8 papers that you read)
Brief description of the techniques chosen and why
Empirical evaluation
Compare empirically the techniques for complexity, performance, ease of use, etc.
What is the best technique?
Is any technique good enough to declare the problem solved?
What future research do you recommend?
Option C (Algorithm design):
What is the problem?
Why can't any of the existing techniques effectively tackle this problem?
What is the intuition behind the technique that you developed?
Techniques to tackle the problem
Brief review of previous work concerning this problem (i.e., the 4-8 papers that you read)
Describe the technique that you developed
Brief description of the existing techniques that you will compare to
Analyze and compare (empirically or theoretically) your new approach to existing approaches
Can your new technique effectively tackle the problem?
What future research do you recommend?
Option D (Dataset/Simulator/Benchmark):
What is the problem?
Why aren't existing datasets, simulators or benchmarks sufficient to evaluate RL techniques for this problem?
Proposed Dataset, Simulator or Benchmark
Describe the proposed dataset, simulator or benchmnark
Describe the properties of the dataset, simulator or benchmark that are unique
Brief description of some baseline RL techniques that you plan to evaluate
Compare empirically the baseline RL techniques with your dataset, simulator or benchmark
What are the most important weaknesses of existing baselines that your dataset, simulator or benchmark highlighted
What future research do you recommend?
Option E (Theoretical analysis):
What is the problem or technique?
What properties did you analyze/prove about this problem or technique?
Brief survey of previous work concerning this problem (i.e., the 4-8 papers that you read)
Describe the analysis performed
What have you discovered about the technique analyzed?
What future research do you recommend?