Internet QoS is still a highly debated topic for more than ten years. Even with the large variety of QoS proposals and the impressive research advances, there is still little deployment of network layer QoS technology. One specific problem domain is QoS signalling, which has recently attracted increasing attention to bring forward new standardization approaches. In this article, an extensive study of RSVP is presented, covering protocol design, software design and performance aspects of the basic version of RSVP and of certain standardized and experimental extensions. The work is based on and presents the experience from implementing RSVP for UNIX systems and the ns-2 simulation environment, including a variety of protocol extensions and incorporating a number of internal improvements. The implementation has been subject to extensive functional and performance evaluations, the results of which are reported here.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 14(4):767-778, August 2006
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